The Examination Regulatory Authority, UP has released the results of the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test on its official website today, April 08, 2022. The final answer key of the examination was released yesterday after the necessary corrections to the provisional answer key. Candidates who attended the UPTET examination can check the results from the official website of UPTET using the login credentials provided at the time of registration. The examination was conducted on January 23, across 4,365 centers in the state.
How to Check UPTET Result
The result of the UPTET examination based on the final answer key released yesterday has been uploaded on the official website. Candidates can check the results by following the steps below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of UPTET
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the U.P. Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) tab.
Step 3: Locate the flash link of the announcement of results under the Notifications section.
Step 4: Enter the registration number and password and submit.
Step 5: The result will be displayed on the screen. Download it for references.
UPTET Result 2021 – click here
What Next
Candidates who qualify the UPTET examination will be given an eligibility certificate which enables them to apply for teaching positions in various schools in Uttar Pradesh. Candidates who qualify in Paper 1 can teach Classes 1 to 5 and those qualifying Paper 2 can teach Classes 6 to 8. The minimum qualifying marks for General category is 60% and for other reserved categories(SC/ST/OBC/PwD) is 55%. The eligibility certificate will be issued within a few days from the regional centers of the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET). The certificate is valid for a lifetime.
More than 6 lakh candidates pass!
The UPTET examination was not held in 2020 due to the rise in covid cases in the country. Hence, in 2021 about 12,91,627 candidates registered for Paper 1 and 8,73,552 for Paper 2. From this, around 10,73,302 appeared for the Paper 1 examination and 7,48,810 for the Paper 2 examination. As per a report by Hindustan Times, over 38% passed the main level whereas 28% passed the higher primary level. Around 4,43,598 passed the primary level, and 2,16,994 were declared qualified for the upper primary level.
The UPTET eligibility certificate does not entitle the candidate to direct recruitment at any of the schools. Candidates must apply for teaching positions according to the vacancy notifications. The examination is only qualifying in nature.