Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) is going to release the UPRVUNL AE 2022 admit card tomorrow, July 03, 2022. The company released a notice yesterday that depicts the admit card release date, and exam dates for the Assistant Engineer post. As per the notice, the examination for UPRVUNL AE 2022 shall be conducted on July 16 and 17, 2022 in two shifts each day. The company has notified any timing by which the UPRVUNL AE 2022 admit card will be released. Hence, the candidates are advised to keep a track of the official website, uprvunl.org for the latest updates.
The company has earlier notified a total of 125 vacancies for the Assistant Engineer post in different domains.
UPRVUNL AE 2022 Exam Timings
The company via its notice has released the exam date and timing for all the courses notified in the official notification released for the UPRVUNL Assistant Engineer post. Check out the notice in the section below.
As per the notice, examinations for Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), and Assistant Engineer (Electronics and Communications) will be held on July 16 in the first shift from 9 am to 12 pm. Whereas, UPRVUNL Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) and Assistant Engineer (Computer Science) will be held in the second shift from 02.30 pm to 05.30 pm. Same way, the UPRVUNL Assistant Engineer (Electrical) and Assistant Engineer (District) will be held in the first and second shifts respectively on July 17, 2022.
UPRVUNL AE 2022 Admit Card
The UPRVUNL AE 2022 admit card has been notified to be released by July 03, 2022. The company has not notified any timing for the release. Hence, the candidates are advised to keep the track of the website for all the latest updates. Also, in order to download the UPRVUNL Assistant Engineer admit card, the candidates are advised to keep the login credentials handy i.e. registration number and password. The admit card is going to consist of the exam timing, reporting time, test center assigned and other instructions relevant on the day of the UPRVUNL AE 2022 examination.