Vardhman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU) Kota announced the RSCIT result of exam held on October 20, 2019, yesterday. The result has been published at This time the result has been announced 25 days after exam, which is more than the time taken in previous results.
It may be noted that the answer key of this exam, the RSCIT exam held on 20 Oct, was published the next day after exam. It is still available for viewing at, for set A, B, C, and D.
How to check RSCIT result?
Visit This is the single page where VMOU publishes all RSCIT results in the order of date of exam. Against the date 20 Oct 2019, click on view result link. On the next page that opens, select district, then either select search by roll number or search by name and date of birth.
Upon selecting “search by roll no” the form asks to enter roll number. Whereas on selecting “search by name and date of birth” the form asks to enter name and select date of birth from drop down.
In both cases, the next screen shows result.
RSCIT examination result card is divided into two tables. The first table contains district name, roll number, name of student, name of father or husband, exam center code. The second table shows result. It displays maximum marks in each subject, minimum passing marks, obtained marks, final result whether pass or not, and result date.
RS-CIT is the Rajasthan State Certificate course in Information Technology. Its main aim is to propagate IT literacy in the state. The program has been organized by the department of information technology and communication (DoIT&C) under the government of Rajasthan.
Requirement for such a course arose when it became difficult for the general public to keep up with the changing trends in information technology, which directly affected their chances of a bright future in career and personal growth. The existing courses to bridge the gap were costly and not accessible to all.
Herein RS-CIT turns out to be a low cost and high outreach programme. Anyone with the desire to learn computers and related technology can enroll in the course, which is of 3 months or 132 hours duration. The course fee is Rs 3350. Government employees get a fee concession, and need to pay Rs 2700.
Another advantage of the RSCIT course is that the course is taught in Hindi and English. The syllabus of this course contains 16 topics, namely introduction to computers, computer system, exploring your computer, introduction to internet, digital payment and platforms, internet applications, digital services for citizens of rajasthan, accessing citizen service in rajasthan, exploring common citizen centric services, working with mobile devices/smartphones, microsoft word, microsoft excel, microsoft powerpoint, cyber security, managing your computer, getting more from your computer.