Earlier this month, Railway Recruitment Board had to cancel the second shift exam of RRB Group C (ALP and Technician) exam dated August 9. Later on, due to the floods, exam was cancelled in Kerala for August 17, 20, and 21. In addition there are some eligible candidates whose schedule was not yet released.
For candidates in all three situations explained above, RRB is conducting ALP exam on September 4. Admit cards for these candidates will be available on the various RRB websites from August 31. Already the board has emailed and SMSed them regarding exam city, date, and shift.
An important information further conveyed via the notification published today is that Railways is providing free travel to all candidates whose examination was cancelled on August 9. Candidates whose exam was cancelled on August 9 can download the free travel authority along with exam city, date, shift intimation.
Candidates, either if their exam was cancelled on August 9 or those of Kerala whose exam was cancelled on August 17/20/21 or who are eligible and had insofar not got exam date, should now check their registered email ID and SMS to see what city they have been assigned exam scheduled September 4. Furthermore they should download the free travel authority if they have been issued it. Thereafter from August 31, they can download admit card.
The process of downloading admit card involves five steps. First of all, candidates need to visit the RRB ALP Admit Card 2018 download link. It is a single candidate login where, second step is, they have to then enter user id and date of birth. Then third step is that upon logging in, they can see a e-call letter tab which has to be clicked. Thereafter fourth step is that a drop down appears where they have to select Railway Recruitment Board. On doing that, download button appears, and fifth step is that upon clicking that download button, RRB ALP Admit Card 2018 pdf file generates.
Railway Recruitment Board is conducting Group C exams, which started on August 9 and were supposed to end on August 31. However one extra exam date has now been added to accommodate the candidates whose RRB ALP exam postponed for various reasons. Candidates can check memory based RRB ALP Answer Key 2018 along with questions online.
After September 4, RRB ALP exam is ending. After this, RRB ALP Result 2018 will be announced. Then candidates who qualify as per result of first stage CBT will be able to appear in second stage CBT. The number of candidates who will qualify for second stage CBT shall be 15 times the number of vacancies. Since there are 60000 vacancies, the number of candidates to qualify for second stage CBT will be 9 lakh.
After the Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician exam gets over, RRB will also conduct exam for RRB Group D Recruitment 2018. For the same, exam is looked forward to be held from September to November.
all candidate exam cancel of 9 aug
.it is true news?????
Sir 29 August ka nahi hua hai n
Meri 9 aug.ko exam thi me train let ho jaane ke karan exam nahi de paya kya meri dubara exam me baith sakta hu
9अगस्त की परीक्षा सभी परीक्षार्थीऔ की कैंंन्सिले हुई है। या अकेले केरला परीक्षार्थीऔ की