The Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE) is expected to announce the results of the School of Specialized Excellence (SOSE) exams. The examinations were successfully conducted from March 26 to 28, 2022. With the delay in declaring the results, the students seem to be anxious about the results. Since there has been no update, the best way to predict a tentative date is to take a look at the previous year trends.
In 2021, the examination was conducted from August 27 to 31, 2021 while the results were declared on September 11, 2021. It is clear that the results were announced 11 days after the exams were concluded.
Expected Date
If one goes by the previous year’s trend, then it can be claimed that the SOSE result date 2022 will fall tomorrow, i.e. April 08, 2022. However, this is just a mere prediction based on the previous year’s trend. The actual date may vary from the predicted date.
Results for STEM and Humanities are going to be announced directly on the official website. However, for Performing and Visual Arts, High-End 21st Century Skills and AFPS, cut-off marks will be announced and students who clear the same will be able to appear for the second stage of the examination. Students will be called in the ratio of 1:4.
What’s Next?
All details regarding the second stage of the exam for certain courses will be sent to the registered phone numbers. The examination pattern regarding the second stage of the SOSE exam for certain courses is given below.
Performing and Visual Arts
Only those students who will qualify for the first stage are going to be called for the second stage of the exam. The next stage will mainly test the student’s aptitude in the chosen art form. However, one student can appear for the test in all art forms. The art forms include Music, Visual Arts and Filmmaking, Acting and Media Studies.
High-End 21st Century Skills
The second stage for this course mainly tests the student’s practical aptitude and interest. They will be asked to complete a project work over 3-5 days. Moreover, students will also be asked to attend an in-person interview at the designated venue to demonstrate their project work.
The students who will qualify for the written exam are going to be called for screening tests in order of merit. The physical tests will involve running 2.4 km within 15 minutes, 100 M in 15 Sec, Push Ups 15 and sit-ups 20. Students have to score 50 in the physical tests to stand qualified.