Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release RRB Paramedical Answer Key 2019 today, on August 05, 2019, at 10 am. The answer key will be released on the official website of RRBs, which are 21 in number. Along with the answer key, response of the candidates will also be shown and the facility to submit objections is also provided.
To download the answer key of RRB Paramedical 2019, the candidates need to visit the official website of the respective RRB and then look for the link “RRB Paramedical Answer Key 2019 (CEN 02/2019). The link will lead to a new portal and to access it, candidates will have to enter application number / user id and date of birth / password. When the login will open, candidates will be able to access answer key with questions and responses from the dashboard.
In the answer key, question with options will be given and below it the answer selected by the candidate will be given in blue and the correct response will be given in green colour. Candidates can use the answer key to evaluate their marks in the exam. To do so, the candidates need to count all the correct and incorrect answer. After doing so, the candidates need to multiply the number of correct answers with 1 and number of incorrect answers with 1/3 marks. The total number of incorrect answers is to be deducted by the total number of correct answers. The remained amount is the total raw score of the candidates.
During this process, if the candidates find any incorrect answer or question, then they may submit objections against it. For submitting the objection, the candidates need to access the login and click on the “Submit Objection” tab in the upper bar. Next, under the ‘question number’ field the candidates have to enter the number of the question. Following this, the candidates need to enter ‘category of objection’. Here, candidates will get multiple options to choose from, select the most appropriate option. In the ‘Objection’ filed, the candidates need to enter explain reason for objection. It is to be noted that the objection is to be entered in the English language.
The objections will only be submitted when the candidates will pay objection fee of Rs. 50. The amount is per objection and as many objections candidates will submit, they will have to pay Rs. 50. Fee can be submitted online, via net banking, debit card, and credit card.
All the objections submitted by the candidates will be considered by the Railway Board. On the basis of the valid objections, changes will be made in the answer key. The updated answer key will be the final answer key and on the basis of it, result will be announced.