The candidates who have applied for MP Madarsa exams can now download the admit card for the December 2018 session. Madhya Pradesh State Open School released the admit card on November 24, 2018. The link to download the admit card is present on the official website The students of class 10 and 12 will be able to sit for the exams from December 01, 2018.
To download the MP Madarsa Admit Card December 2018 for Class 10, 12, candidates can visit the official website. On the homepage, the link is available for the admit card. The board has provided a combined link to download the admit card for class 10 and 12 both. Now, click on the link. After that, the candidates will be redirected to a new page. On that page, candidates can select the class name, enter the roll number and then enter the captcha. Click on the button “Generate Admit Card”. The admit card will appear to the students. It is present in the pdf format. Check all the details of the admit card. If the information is all correct then take the printout of it for the future use.
If the candidates find any error or incorrect information on the admit card then they can contact the Madhya Pradesh Board regarding this. Candidates can make a call on 0755-2671066, 2552106. Candidates can also send a mail to the board. To do so candidates can use the email id [email protected]. If there will be any incorrect information on the admit card then the student will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
For the candidates, it is mandatory to carry the admit card. If the candidates will not have the admit card then they will not be allowed to appear for the exams.
MP Madarsa 10th exams will begin from December 01, 2018. The first exam will be held for Tarjuma Tafseer Quran. The board will conduct class 10 exams for 19 days. On December 19, 2018, the exams will be finished. The last exam for which the students will sit is Social Science.
Now, coming to MP Madarsa 12th board exams. So, for class 12 students, the board exams will be held from December 01 to December 19, 2018. The exams will be finished within 19 days. The first and last exams will be of Tarjuma Tafseer Quran and Mathematics respectively.
Regarding the practical exams, the board has specified that the students who are going to appear for the Madarsa exams for the first time or was absent or fail in the previous exams will be able to give the practical exams at the specified exam centre. Candidates can contact the exam centre in charge to know the dates and the timings for the practical exams.