In a groundbreaking move, the Indian government is set to launch the Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR) ID, a unique identification system encompassing students from both government and private schools. This initiative, aligned with the National Education Policy of 2020, aims to create a seamless educational framework under the ‘One Nation, One Student ID’ scheme.
What is APAAR ID?
APAAR ID serves as a supplementary identity number, distinct from the ubiquitous Aadhaar Card, specifically tailored for students spanning from pre-primary to higher education levels. It functions as a lifelong identifier, meticulously documenting students’ academic journeys and accomplishments, without replacing their existing Aadhaar IDs.
Government Collaborates with Schools and Parents
In an effort to ensure transparency and inclusivity, schools have been entrusted with the responsibility of obtaining parental consent for assigning APAAR IDs to their children. Under the aegis of the ‘One Nation, One Student’ Scheme, schools will play a pivotal role in explaining the significance of APAAR ID to parents. Notably, the Ministry of Education has emphasized the confidentiality of student data, assuring that information will only be disclosed to government agencies when necessary. Moreover, parents retain the right to withdraw their consent for APAAR ID at any time.
Educational Institutions Spearhead Awareness Campaign
To disseminate information effectively, educational institutions have been directed to host meetings involving teachers and parents from October 16-18. During these sessions, the focus will be on elucidating the importance of APAAR IDs and their seamless integration with the existing education system. Additionally, schools will update essential student details such as blood group, height, and weight, relying on Aadhaar ID data as the foundation for APAAR IDs.
In essence, APAAR ID stands as a pioneering initiative, poised to revolutionize the educational landscape by ensuring a standardized and comprehensive identification system for students across the nation.