The High Court of Jharkhand, Ranchi has released the vacancy details for recruiting Civil Judge (Junior Division) of the Jharkhand Judicial Service. Comprising existing and future vacancies, a total of 86 vacancies will be filled via the recruitment process. It must be noted that the recruitment process is going to be conducted via preliminary entrance test, main examination and viva-voce test. It must be noted that only the vacancy notification has been released and not the complete one.
The preliminary entrance test will be qualifying in nature. It will be a written examination having a multiple choice question (MCQ) or objective-type pattern. Candidates who will qualify for this test are going to be eligible for the main examination. The test will be held for 100 marks spanning over a duration of 02 hours. However, the marks obtained will not be counted for the purpose of final selection. There is no negative marking on the test. Jharkhand Civil Judge 2022 preliminary test will have the following syllabus.
- General English
- General Knowledge (including Current Affairs)
- The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
- The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
- The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
- The Law of Contract, 1872
- The Indian Penal Code, 1860
It must be noted that the syllabus is based on the previous notification. As the complete and detailed notification is yet to be out, candidates are advised to crosscheck the same once the same is released. For that, they should keep an eye on
How to apply?
The online application forms are not yet out and will be available in due time. All applications have to be submitted via the official website of the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC), i.e. Candidates must fill out the application form as per the provisions and instructions are given in the official advertisement. Also, before filling out the application form, they are instructed to read the ‘How to apply’ section carefully.
Once the entries are made in the application form, there will be no provision for changing the same. As per the previous notification, the left thumb impression of the male candidates and the right thumb impression of the female candidates is required to be scanned and uploaded at the designated places. Additionally, they are also required to keep scanned copies of their photographs and signatures ready. Note that the form has to be filled in block letters except for the signature.