The Delhi Education Department has announced the much-awaited result for Class 9 and 11 for the academic year 2021-22. Students of both classes have been promoted to the next stage based on the promotion policy announced by the Directorate of Education (DoE). Students can check their result on the official portals and However, the news about result being announced does not come from the education department. In fact, several YouTubers including ASC starter and Ghar ki Padhai have uploaded dedicated videos talking about result announcement.
Oddly however, Class 9 and 11 students are facing issues while accessing their marksheet. While some are unable to access the official website, others are complaining about the result link not working.
Websites to Check Class 9, 11 Result
According to YouTube videos and news reports, the Class 9 and 11 result has been announced on two websites and To access the scorecard directly, candidates can use the result link given below –
Direct Link for Delhi Class 9th, 11th Result 2022
After accessing the result link, a webpage shall open with the title “Result 2021-22” with a table underneath. Click on the “Open Link” option located next to “IX and XI Annual Result 2021-22”. By doing so, a new page will open asking for login credentials such as roll number, date of birth and security code displayed on the screen. Enter these details before clicking on the ‘Submit’ option.
On submitting the login credentials, the Delhi Class 9th/11th result 2021-22 result will appear on the screen. Students are advised to take a printout of the scorecard for future reference.
Showing “The Service is Unavailable”
Several students have reported issues while accessing the Delhi Class 9th and 11th 2021-22 result. On attempting to open the direct link, the following line appear on the screen –
The service is unavailable.
Some students are also facing issues while trying to open the official websites. On attempting to do so, students see the following line –
This Connection is Not Private
These are clear signs of the server being down due to issues with the traffic received by both portals. Under such circumstances, students are advised to refresh the website 1-2 times to load the website. If this trick does not work, they are advised to wait for a few minutes before trying again.
Promotion Policy for Class 9, 11
Due to the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Delhi education department decided on retaining the 2020-21 promotion policy for the subsequent academic year 2021-22. Accordingly, final result for Class 9 and 11 students was determined on the basis of factors mentioned below –
# Marks of term 1 mid-terms exams
# Marks of term 2 final exams
# Internal assessments and projects
# Performance in practical exams
All these factors will be taken into consideration in order to promote students to the next grade i.e., Class 10 and Class 12, respectively.