On Friday, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced that the students of Class 10th will be granted 2 extra marks for a typing error in English Question Paper. Several teachers and students appealed the Board for the compensation regarding the error in the English Exam. So they filed an online petition regarding this issue.
The exam of English was held on March 12, 2018. There was a typo or printing mistake in the third question of Passage 2 of Section A. The students had to read the passage first and had to write the synonyms of the words endurance, obstruction, and motivation. But in the online petition, they said that the paragraphs were incorrectly marked from which they had to write the answer. So the students and the teachers requested the board to do something about this subject.
After this approach, the board caught the same typing error in the questions paper and assured the students to rectify this mistake. CBSE took the decision in the favor of the students and announced that those who had attended English exam and attempted the particular question will be awarded 2 marks extra as the compensation.
CBSE exams began on March 05, 2018. It will be concluded on March 25, 2018, and the students of Punjab will have to wait till April 27, 2018, to get over from the exams. Around 9% students belong to the CBSE board across the country. This year, around 16.88 lakhs students are appearing for Class 10th CBSE Board exams. In which 6,28,865 are boys and 4,60,026 are girls.
CBSE Class 10th Result 2018 is expected to be announced by the end of May 2018. It will be declared online on the official website.
Last year, 16,67,573 students appeared for the exams of class 10. There were around 93.40% were boys and 92.50% were girls. The overall percentage of 2017 was approximately 90.95%. Hopefully, this year the result will be even better.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) was established on November 03, 1962 in Delhi. The board’s office was set up in New Delhi. The board is responsible to conduct the exams for Secondary and Sr. Secondary. It has more than 10,000 private and government schools affiliated with it. CBSE conducts some other important admission and recruitment exams for the candidates.