Indian Air Force will commence the IAF AFCAT 2 2021 examination from August 28 to August 30, 2021. IAF has already released the IAF AFCAT 2 Admit Card 2021 on the official website, The candidates who are successful in cracking the AFCAT exam will stand a chance to get an appointment as a Commissioned Officer in the Indian Air Force.
The candidates going to appear for the AFCAT 2 exam must be exam ready with the following preparation tips mentioned below:
#1 Revision
Last time revision is like clicking the refresh button of the memory. Owing to the reason that the syllabus of the AFCAT exam is such vast. The candidates must revise the basic concepts, formulas, etc beforehand. This ensures that they do not miss any important things while writing the exam.
#2 Prepare Formula Sheet
AFCAT exam has questions based on Aptitude subjects, Numerical ability, and reasoning. The candidates must prepare a formula sheet to revise these formulas before the exam. It will also save a lot of time as they need not rush for books every time they need to revise the formulas.
# 3 Analyse Mock Tests
It will be in the best interest of candidates if they solve the mock tests before the exam. Another thing is to analyse the mock test and get an idea of the weak and strong sections in the exam beforehand.
# 4 Correct Approach
The candidates need to be calm and cool in the exam and follow a positive attitude in the exam hall. They must read each question and solve only those questions for which they are 100% sure. The candidates must begin with easy questions first and leave the tougher ones for the last.
The candidates who are going to appear for the AFCAT 2 entrance exam 2021 should make sure that they make a checklist for the exam day. This checklist will ensure that candidates do not miss to carry anything on the exam day.
- Candidates must carry valid id proof i.e. Adhaar Card/Pan Card along with a xerox copy of the same.
- Along with this, candidates must also carry a 50ml sanitiser bottle, 1 face mask and gloves etc.
- Leave for the exam hall of AFCAT 2 2021 atleast 1 hour early, this helps in combating any unnecessary traffic on the exam day. It is best if the exact location of the exam venue is known beforehand. The candidates can use Google map or visit the location 2 to 3 days before to get an exact idea of the route.
- The candidates must follow all the basic SOPs and Covid-19 guidelines i.e. maintaining social distancing, using masks all the time and sanitising hands from time to time.