The XLRI officials have confirmed that the XAT 2019 Admit card has been delayed. The admit card for XAT 2019 was supposed to be out today, i.e. December 20, 2018, but will now be available on December 22, 2018. The candidates can download the Admit Card by online mode at the website,
It is expected that the same shall also be updated on the Official website soon. The candidates will get an e-mail about the availability of the XAT Admit Card at their registered email id.
Candidates will be able to download their hall tickets from the official website. On the homepage of the official website, the candidates need to click on the link which says “Download XAT 2019 Admit Card here”. Next, the Eligible candidates will first have to log in to the candidate portal by entering details such as User ID and Password. Click on the “Login” button to submit the details. On submitting the correct login details, the admit card for XAT 2019 will appear on the screen.
XLRI is not going to send the print out of the XAT 2019 Admit Card by post to the candidates individually.
In the XAT 2019 Admit Card, candidates can see the details printed such as exam date and time, test centre, important instructions for writing the paper, course details, candidate’s details and many more. It is advised to all the candidates to check the details printed on the hall ticket to make sure about the correct representation or not.
Along with the admit card, there are other documents as well which have to be carried on the examination day. The important documents are one original identity proof (such as Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Driving License, or any other valid ID for verification process) and one passport size photograph which has been uploaded in the application form. These documents hold the same value equal to the XAT admit card.
XLRI conducts the Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) entrance test every year for the purpose of granting admission in the PG programmes in Management in 147 management institutes in the country. There are other colleges as well which accepts the scorecard of XAT to provide admissions for the same. Aspiring candidates have to fulfill the eligibility criteria first to appear in the test. The XAT will be taken in the CBT format which will contain four sections of English Language and Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Ability, Decision Making, and General knowledge as whole.
As the date of the examination is coming nearer, candidates must be in big stress and worried about their adversity. It is advised that do not stick on the time taking topics and divide your time according to your grabbing power and topic’s weightage. Attempt the paper wisely and keep yourself calm. Try to revise the syllabus at a glance and give your best accordingly.| More Preparation Tips for XAT 2019
All the best to the appearing candidates from Team Aglasem!