Western Railways Recruitment, Vadodara Division is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the post of General Duty Medical Officer. The detailed advertisement with NOTIFICATION NO. GAZ/BRC/3/2020 can be downloaded from the official website, wr.indianrailways.gov.in. Overall 05 vacancies are announced for the recruitment. The shortlisted candidates are posted at different isolation wards of COVID-19 with proper PPE. A walk-in-interview round is conducted to shortlist the eligible candidates for the announced posts. Those who fulfil the eligibility criteria, have to appear for an interview on July 27, 2020, from 09:30 AM onwards.
Aspirants have to be present at Conference hall Divisional Railway manager Office-Pratapnagar -Vadodara for the walk-in-interview. The recruitment for the General Duty Medical Officers is on contractual basis for a period of 03 months or till the scheme is available. Eligible doctors have to work in Isolation Wards where COVID-19 patients are kept under observation. During this period they receive Rs. 75,000/- as per month salary. The Retired Government Medical Officer is recruited on a fixed salary of Rs. 46,000/- per month.
Both eligible doctors from the open market and retired Government doctors can submit their representations for the announced posts. However, retired Government doctors are preferred. Those who possess a degree in medicine /MBBS are eligible to apply. This MBBS degree must be acquired from Medical Council of India that is included in the first or Second Schedule of Part eleven of the Third Schedule of Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Aspirants must have completed their rotatory internship before applying. Those who have earlier worked with State /Central Government /Public Sector undertaking (if any) have to mention the period of their service in the form.
The upper age limit for retired Government doctors is 65 years and for others, it is 53 years. The age limit is calculated as on July 17, 2020. Age relaxation is provided to SC/ST candidates up to 05 years and OBC candidates up to 03 years.
Eligible applicants can download the application form from wr.indianrailways.gov.in. Candidates have to be present at Conference hall Divisional Railway manager Office-Pratapnagar -Vadodara for the registration and submission of the applications form. The registration process ends on July 27, 2020 at 12:00 PM after which no forms are accepted against this recruitment. Candidates have to submit MBBS Degree, 1st, 2nd and 3rd MBBS certificate, attempt certificate, internship certificate, school leaving certificate, registration certificate, caste certificate and two passport size photographs with the form.
Candidates who satisfy all the eligibility criteria are invited for the walk-in-interview round. They have to be present on the prescribed date, time and place for the interview with all enclosures, original certificates with self-attested photocopies and all original documents. No other intimation about the interview will be provided.