Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has rejected the application form of 231 candidates for NDA & NA 1 2019 examination. The list has been provided on the website of UPSC at upsc.gov.in on February 19, 2019. The reason behind the cancellation of candidature is the non – payment of application fee. Further UPSC says “The confirmation regarding the payment of the application fee has not been received from the Bank Authorities”.
Many candidates who have submitted the application fee, still they have their names in the list. For such candidates, UPSC has provided the chance to appeal against the rejection. The candidates have to Communicate to the Commission along with the proof of fee submission. While communicating, it is must to provide the following details – Name and year of the examination i.e. 2019, Registration ID, Roll Number (if received), Name in block letters, complete correspondence address.
Where To Communicate To Get Admit Card?
The candidates should note that the candidature of these 231 candidates have been canceled provisionally, and these candidates will not be issued the admit card for the written examination to be held on April 21, 2019. The candidates have to provide the fee submission proof in order to save the candidature in NDA NA 2019 exam.
The candidates are provided the address where they can send their documents by speed post or they can submit it in person. The candidates have to send the details until February 28, 2019, To Smt. Kripa Anna Ekka, Under Secretary (NDA), Union Public Service Commission, 4th floor, Hall No. 01, Examination Hall, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi- 110069.
In case the candidates have submitted the fee in offline mode, by depositing it in SBI or any other designated bank. Then the Original copy of Bank Pay in Slip have to be sent. Another case when the candidates have done the online payment, The copy of Bank Statement or Debit / Credit Card Statement have to be submitted.
Only those candidates will be issued the admit card of NDA, who will be successful to submit the proof of fee, submission in the stipulated time frame.
The admit card for the examination will be issued nearly April 01, 2019, since the UPSC releases the admit card 03 weeks prior to the examination, and the NDA NA examination is being conducted on April 21, 2019.