The UP TGT Exam 2021 has been conducted for all eligible candidates on August 07 and August 08, 2021. The UPSESSB releases the answer key for all the students on the official website i.e. However, to help the candidates in calculating the marks scored by them in the exam, premium coaching institutes have released the unofficial answer key. The candidates should keep a tab on the official website to know the latest updates regarding the answer key. According to the candidates who have appeared in the exam, the difficulty level of the exam was Moderate level.
Now, since the UP TGT examination is over, the candidates are now awaiting the Uttar Pradesh TGT Answer key. However, the board takes some time to release the official answer key. Hence, to help the candidates with the marks calculations, ace coaching classes like Gradeup and Adda 247 have released the UP TGT Exam Analysis. They have also released the un-official answer key that the candidates can check on the youtube channels.
According to these coachings, the level of the examination was somewhere between Moderate to Difficult. The candidates can check out the unofficial answer key to know their performance level and marks scored in the UP TGT Exam:
The candidates should begin by visiting the official website of the coaching institutes or youtube channels. On reaching the website, the candidates must search for the UP TGT Answer Key for the shift they have appeared for. Thereafter, the candidates have to compare the answer marked by them in the OMR sheet with the ones marked by the coaching in their unofficial answer key. Next, the candidates are required to add 4 marks for each correct answer marked by them. There will be no deduction for the wrong answer as there is no provision mentioned for the same. After the calculations, the candidates will get their raw marks scored by them in the UP TGT Examination.
As per the previous year’s statistics, the UPSESSB releases the provisional answer key at least 18 to 20 days after the exam. As for the year 2019, the exam was conducted on March 08, 2019, and March 09, 2019, and the answer key was released the next day i.e. March 26, 2019. With this, we can deduce that the answer key can be released on August 26, 2021, or August 30, 2021. With this, we can deduce that the answer key will be available between August 26, 2021, to August 30, 2021.
Post this, the UPSESSB releases the result list will be released tentatively after 6 months from the examination. With this, we can estimate that the UP TGT Result will be announced anytime soon in February 2021.