Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has issued a public notice on rrb.cdg.gov.in, announcing the exam date for Group D Recruitment 2022. As per the notice, the computer-based test (CBT) is all set to be conducted on August 17, 2022, in multiple phases. The decision to shift from single to multiple phases was done in light of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. Admit cards for registered candidates will be issued 4 days prior i.e., from August 13, 2022.
In addition to the RRB Group D exam date 2022, the notice also focused on the Aadhaar-based Biometric Authentication of aspirants. So that there are no issued of impersonation or malpractice during the centre-based online exam.
Aadhaar-based Biometric Authentication
The following statement regarding authentication was mentioned in the public notice –
In pursuance of Sub-clause (ii) of Clause (b) of Sub-section (4) of Section 4 of Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (as amended) read with Rule 5 of the Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020, the Railway Recruitment Boards are allowed to perform Aadhaar Authentication, on a voluntary basis, for establishing the identity of each candidate to avoid impersonation and other malpractices during the examination and to ensure fair conduct of examination
Authentication and verification process will be carried out during and after the RRB Group D 2022 recruitment exam. Candidates with unverified identities will not be allowed to appear for recruitment test.
Additionally, candidates were advised to only follow rrbcdg.gov.in and other verified board websites for latest announcement pertaining to RRB group D recruitment 2022. Furthermore, selection of candidates will only be based on performance in the test and merit. Candidates were advised believing information or notices circulated by unverified sources.
RRB group D recruitment 2022 admit card
As per official information, the RRB group D 2022 CBT admit card will be released on August 13, 2022. Candidates who successfully registered in 2019 will be issued a separate admit card through the online mode. This document will specify the exam date and slot for CBT.
A candidate must give the exam as per the assigned slot. Moreover, for verification purposes, he/she needs to carry a printout of the hall ticket to the allotted exam centre.
On the day of admit card release, RRB may issue a separate public notice containing the direct download link. The link may also be present on the homepage of official website. A candidate needs to click on this link and key-in the required credentials such as Application Number and Date of birth. Submitting these credentials will provide access to the hall ticket.