The Professional Examination Board, Madhya Pradesh is expected to release the official notification for the MP Patwari recruitment 2022. As per reports, the notification is likely to be out by the last week of April or the first week of May. Keeping the patwari recruitment in mind, a city surveyor will be appointed in each of the urban areas by creating one sector for every 50,000 population.
Cabinet approval
Chief Minister Shivraj had called for a meeting of the cabinet minister to discuss the MP Patwari recruitment 2022. During the meeting, several important proposals were discussed among the ministers. The cabinet also approved the proposals. The entire patwari recruitment process will be carried out in a phased manner.
In addition to this, 988 city survey posts of urban bodies will also be created. According to the officials of the Revenue department, 10 thousand 20 posts of Patwari have been approved. Apart from this, there will be 20 thousand 808 panchayat posts due to which the number of posts for patwari has remained less. As such, the time limit for the two services has been fixed. However, the role of Patwari holds more importance.
Vacancy details
Earlier, it was expected that nearly 4000 vacancies will be filled but the latest update states that the recruitment will be carried out for 5204 vacancies. Due to the recruitment of so many posts, the government has to bear an additional annual expense of 154 crore. As per the instructions of the Central government, the honorarium has to be increased this time. In fact, a proposal has been passed to increase the honorarium of guest lecturers from 10000 to 14000. For the past 07 years, guest lecturers have been given an honorarium of INR 10000.
Apart from this, the Girls education project will start functioning as a pilot project. Toll tax will not be collected for 12 routes. Earlier, commercial tax used to be collected but with a change in policy, the same will not be noted from now on. It is believed that along with commercial vehicles on these routes, a provision was made to collect car and bus taxes in these routes but the policy stands altered.