The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) is expected to announce the results for the class 10 SSLC exams by May, 2022. According to Primary and Secondary Education Minister BC Nagesh, the SSLC exam results have a chance of being declared by the third week of this month. Students who have appeared for the exam will be able to check the results from the official website and As and when the results are announced, students can download the mark sheets via the candidate login facility.
Exams held till April 11
As per a report by TOI, 8.73 lakh students had registered for the Karnataka SSLC exams 2022. The exams commenced on March 28, 2022 and continued till April 11, 2022. A total of 3440 centres were set up for the smooth conduct of the exams. The answer keys were released on April 12, 2022. The provisional answer keys were released within 24 hours after the conclusion of the exam. Students were given the opportunity to raise objections to doubtful answers. After that, the results are going to be declared as per the final answer key.
However, for checking the results, students will be required to use their registration numbers. Note that the class 10 result is going to comprise the marks scored by students along with result status, division and other relevant information. Students are advised to keep an eye on the official website for all updates. Reportedly, the supplementary exams for class 10 are going to be conducted in the last week of June, 2022.
Results previously expected by May 14
Media reports also mentioned that the results were supposed to be released by May 14, 2022. However, an official confirmation from the board has clarified that the Karnataka SSLC results 2022 will be announced by the end of May, 2022. On the other hand, a Times Now report mentions that the result will be announced on and around May 16, 2022. Due to such predictions, there is some confusion among the students and guardians. Since the exact date has not been shared by the official sources, the confusion seems to have no end.
Nevertheless, it is expected that the exact date and time will be shared by the concerned officials in due course of time. Taking cues from previous year’s trends, the results are likely to be released in the morning, latest by 9 or 10 AM. Students should keep themselves updated.