Karnataka State Diploma in Nursing Examination Board (KSDNEB) has released the Karnataka Nursing result for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years. The examination was held in April 2021 and now the result has been announced on ksdneb.org. Candidates who have appeared in the Karnataka GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery) exam can check their result cum scorecard using the registration number mentioned on the application number.
Karnataka GNM Result 2022
The candidates who successfully clear the 1st and 2nd-year results shall be promoted to the higher classes. Whereas, those who qualify for the 3rd year result shall be provided with the passing certificate by the authorities. Know the correct steps to download the KSDNEB GNM result here:
Step 1: Visit the official website of KSDNEB, ksdneb.org
Step 2: On the homepage, find and click the KSDNEB GNM 1st, 2nd, 3rd-year result link.
Step 3: Next, enter the registration number along with the date of birth on the login page.
Step 4: Go through the KSDNEB GNM result 2021 and save it on the device for future reference.
Direct link to KSDNEB GNM result 2022
Details Mentioned on the KSDNEB GNM Result 2022
Candidates going to participate in the KSDNEB GNM result for 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year results and scorecard are going to comprise a lot of details. The candidates can check out the details and make sure that there is no error in the same:
- Examination Name
- Examination Session
- Candidates Name
- Registration Number
- School Name
- Subject Wise marks
- Total Marks Obtained in the exam
- Final Result
The candidates who find any wrong detail in the KSDNEB GNM result can apply for the result revaluation of the answer sheets. For that, they need to just apply via the particular institutions or schools by giving an application in the administration office. The candidates shall also be required to pay a fee of INR 500 per paper for result revaluation. After the final assessment, the obtained marks shall be uploaded on the candidate’s mark sheet. This option of reassessment of the answer script is only for once and a second request for the same shall not be entertained.