In response to questions raised in the Lok Sabha, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister In Ministry Of Skill Development And Entrepreneurship has listed the number of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) that are currently functioning in the nation. Further, he has mentioned the continuous efforts and steps that are being taken to improve the training quality of such Institutes.
According to the Ministry, there are 14312 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) functioning in the country. Out of them, 2204 are Government and 12108 are Private ITIs. All of them, however, are affiliated to the National Council of Vocational Training. Schemes to set up more new ITIs are in progress.
The entire list of all the ITIs has also been made available by the Ministry. According to the list, Uttar Pradesh has the highest number if ITIs. U.P. has 2920 total ITIs, out of these 129 are government and 2791 are private.
Uttar Pradesh is followed by Rajasthan with a total of 1883 ITIs, out of which 128 are government and rest 1755 are private.
The third highest number of ITIs is in the state of Karnataka with a total of 1424 ITIs – 145 government and 1279 private.
Out of all the states, Maharashtra has the highest number of Government ITIs. The entire list of the ITIs state wise can be seen in the image below:
The question which was raised in Lok Sabha also demanded the steps that are being taken to regulate the quality of training that these institutes are providing. To this, the ministry has explained that there are continuous efforts to improve the quality of training in these existing Institutes, and also in new Institutes.
Steps Of Improvement
The steps that are taken to ensure the quality of training includes prescribing new Affiliation Norms for ITIs for quality training, Regular inspection, ISO 29990 Certification of ITIs to raise the overall quality and standards, Grading of ITIs to evaluate their performance, Regular up-gradation of training content, Aligning the course of CTS to National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), Implementation of ‘Dual System of Training’, Training and re-training of the ITI Instructors, and Up-gradation of the infrastructure.
Steps Towards Establishing New ITIs
The ministry has also clarified the steps that are being taken to establish new ITIs in the North Eastern States and Sikkim. As per the schemes that are being implemented, there are supports for the establishment of 22 new ITIs in Sikkim and the North Eastern States. In addition to that, there are schemes to establish 47 new ITIs in 47 districts that are affected by the Left Wing Extremism.
Funds with a share from both central and state government have allocated to the establishment of such new ITIs. The details of which are available in the image below:
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) are constituted under Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Union Government. These institutes are aimed to provide training in various trades and sectors.
Admission at ITIs starts in the month of August and are done on the basis of merit/written examination. However, admission to the private ITIs is done directly. Some of the trades and sectors in which these institutes provide training are Building Maintenance, Electronics Mechanic, Laboratory Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Firemen, Event Management Assistant, Tourist Guide, Web Designing and Computer Graphics, Agro Processing and many other trades. After completing ITI, aspirants can undergo training in different industries as per their choice.