Delhi University has released the Hall Ticket for School of Learning (SOL) Semester Exam May 2019. The Varsity has issued the admit card for B.Com (H) Part 1, 2, & 3. Students can download their hall ticket online at the official website, DU Sol is conducting B.A. (H) exam from May 07, 2019. The admit card for BA Part 1 is expected to release soon.
Students can download their hall ticket through the login. In order to access the login “Sol Roll No and Barcode” is required. It is informed that the students must download and carry a print copy of the hall ticket to the assigned exam centre. If the student faces any technical issue while downloading the hall ticket then they have to inform the university immediately.
DU SOL Hall Ticket 2019
Delhi University releases SOL Hall Ticket for the semester examination online at the official website. Students can access their hall ticket by following a few simple steps. First of all access the SOL official website. In there click on the link “Download Exam Hall Ticket, B.Com (H) part 1, 2, 3”. Enter the SOL Roll No and Barcode. Check for the “Download Exam Hall Ticket for 2019” and take the print of the hall ticket on A4 paper.
Students are advised that the SOL Admit Card is available in pdf and they requires “pdf reader or Adobe Reader” software installed in the system to open the file. Also, the students must ensure that the details printed on the DU SOL Hall Ticket are correct. In case of any discrepancy contact the official authority or visit the controller of the examination (COE). In the case of any other query, send the request or visit at “Assistant Registrar (Examination), School of Open Learning, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007”.
DU SOL Hall Ticket holds the information such as examination name, roll no, candidate name, father’s name, exam centre name, students’ photograph and signature, subject name, exam code, part, group, exam (date, day, and time), important instructions.
Students appearing for the examination can also request for the duplicate admit card from the university two days before the exam. To obtain the duplicate hall ticket students have to visit the “SOL, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, and South Study Centre, South Moti Bagh, New Delhi” with passport size photograph, id proof, and latest fee receipt. On the admit card, candidates must check the exam date, centre, and time carefully. Report to the exam centre 15 minutes earlier along with the mentioned documents like admit card, identity proof, photograph, etc.
Delhi University has released the date sheet for SOL online. Students can check SOL Date Sheet to know the exam date, time, semester, paper no. and Description. SOL Date Sheet can also be used to verify the exam date mentioned on the admit card is correct or not.
BA II part ka exam date sheet kab aayega sir, please conform
B.COM first when will come hall ticket