With the change in Delhi University’s admission system, the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has also decided to try out a new way for conducting the 2022 admission process. This time, JNU authorities have decided that the admissions will be conducted via the Central Universities Common Entrance Test or CUCET. The university, via a press note, has released this notification. This new modality will be planned and executed as and when the National Testing Agency (NTA) plans.
Prior to this, the admission process at JNU was held via the Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination or JNUEE. However, more details regarding the new admission process are yet to be known. This decision, nevertheless, is receiving opposition from the teachers’ and students’ unions.
Why was this decision imposed?
Delhi University has recently decided that it will hold the admission process via the CUCET from the upcoming sessions. Along similar lines, the JNU officials have stated that the reason behind adopting CUCET as the entrance examination is to provide the various students with a common ground. Furthermore, this will reduce the stress of appearing for multiple entrance examinations.
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Why CUCET should not be imposed for JNU admissions?
This decision received stark criticisms from various university stakeholders. JNUSU President Aishe Ghosh has alleged that this decision has been imposed in a manner that is entirely autocratic. According to her, the JNU academic council has crossed its limits in adopting the autocratic way in the decision-making process.
The JNUTA has also alleged that the vice-chancellor has proved his diktat by bringing JNU under CUCET. The association has also accused the VC of selectively imposing the decision on CUCET. Reportedly, there are allegations that many faculty members were not allowed to speak on the day the meeting was held. There were no deliberations or discussions with the student community before deciding on this major announcement. As per reports, the JNUSU representatives were not even invited to the meeting.
The New Admission Process
JNU has been known for its unique entrance examination that is different from other state and central universities. With the imposition of CUCET, there is going to be a major change. If, on one hand, the students will get one common platform to apply and have their chance in the top universities, then, on the other hand, this will impact the quality of the entrance exams that the NTA has been conducting. Earlier, it was the university itself that conducted the entrance exams but later on, the NTA took over the process.