Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is expected to release CTET Admit Card 2018 in the 4th week of the November. Central Board has not announced any specific date for the release of the admit card. Since, the exam will be conducted on December 09, it is begin predicted that the admit card will be issued by the end of November 2018. It will be issued online, on the official website i.e. www.ctet.nic.in.
For downloading the CTET Admit Card 2018 candidates will need to enter the asked login credentials at the login page. Candidates should recheck all the details mentioned on the admit card if any incorrect detail is given on the admit card then immediately contact to releasing authority of the admit card.
# 1. Details mentioned on the admit card
After downloading the admit card candidates should take the print out of the call letter as only the hard copy of the admit card is accepted for giving the entry in the examination hall. CTET admit card 2018 will contain the following details name of the candidate, father name, roll number, center name, examination name, exam timing etc.
# 2. important doc to carry in exam
Admit Card is the key to enter in the examination hall so for all the candidates it is mandatory to carry the hard copy of the admit card and one valid photo ID proof (aadhar card, pan card, voter ID card, passport etc.) on the day of the examination.
# 3. Bell Time of CTET Examination
# 4. ctet exam pattern
CTET exam is consist of two papers that are paper 1 and 2. Paper 1 is for the candidates who want to teach class 1 to 5 and Paper 2 is for the candidates who want to teach class 6 to 8. The duration of the exam will be 02 and a half hour but differently, able candidates will be given the time compensation 50 minutes.
Paper 1 questions will be asked from these subjects Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics, Environmental Studies subject, and Paper 2 questions will be asked from these subjectsChild Development & Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics and Science, Social Studies/Social Science. 150 questions will be asked in each examination. 01 marks will be awarded for each correct answer. In the examination, MCQ type questions will be asked.
# 5. do not carry FOLLOWING THINGS IN EXAM
Candidates will not be allowed to carry textual material (printed or written), communication devices, Electronic Gadgets in the examination hall.