The Common Admission Test 2021 is all set to be conducted by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad today, dated November 28, 2021, across different centers in India. The CAT 2021 will be online through the computer-based mode. The examination provides admissions to eligible candidates in different PG management programs in the coveted IIMs and other business schools of India. The candidates can find all the details about their exam timing according to the slot and the test center on their admit card.
The CAT 2021 is going to be conducted in three slots, morning, afternoon, and evening slots. The reporting time for the morning slot is 7 am and the entrance venue stops the intake of applicants at 8:15 am. The exam starts at 8:30 am and concludes at 10:30 am. Similarly, for the afternoon slot, the reporting time starts at 11 am and ends at 12:15 pm. The exam begins at 12:30 am and ends at 2:30 pm. Many applicants have been drawn into the evening slot that starts at 4:30 pm and will continue till 6:30 pm. It must be noted that the reporting time for this slot is 3 pm and the gate closes at 4:15 pm.
The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad has also released the activity-wise timetable on the official website to guide the candidates to understand the examination day procedure. The complete procedure for the schedule of the exam day activity is listed below.
Activity | Slot 1 | Slot 2 | Slot 3 |
Arrival at the exam centre | 07:00 am | 11:00 am | 03:00 pm |
Locating the exam lab number | 07:05 am | 11:05 am | 03:05 pm |
Inspection of admit card | 07:10 am | 11:10 am | 03:10 pm |
Depositing the personal belongings at the entry gate | 07:15 am | 11:15 am | 03:15 pm |
Frisking process by security personnel | 07:25 am | 11:25 am | 03:25 pm |
Verification process | 07:30 am | 11:30 am | 03:30 pm |
Arrival process at exam lab | 07:40 am | 11:40 am | 03:40 pm |
Reach the registration desk and sign the attendance sheet | 07:50 am | 11:50 am | 03:50 pm |
Registration process | 07:55 am | 11:55 am | 03:55 pm |
Candidate’s photo verification | 08:05 am | 12:05 pm | 04:05 pm |
Sitting at assigned computers | 08:10 am | 12:10 pm | 04:10 pm |
Login to the test screes | 08:15 am | 12:15 pm | 04:15 pm |
Confirmation of profile information on the test screen | 08:20 am | 12:20 pm | 04:20 pm |
Reading the declaration form and agreeing to it | 08:25 am | 12:25 pm | 04:25 pm |
Start of CAT 2021 exam | 08:30 am | 12:30 pm | 04:30 pm |
Conclusion of test and sharing the feedback | 10:30 am | 02:30 pm | 06:30 pm |
Depositing the admit card, scribble pad, and pen | 10:35 am | 02:35 pm | 06:35 pm |
Exit from the exam lab and collect the personal belongings | 10:40 am | 02:40 pm | 06:40 pm |
Exiting the exam center | 10:45 am | 02:45 pm | 06:45 pm |
The candidates are advised to follow all the guidelines provided by the conducting body carefully. The hall ticket for CAT 2021 has been released on the official website of the conducting body. The candidates must carry the print-out copy of their admit card to the exam center in order to sit for the examination.