Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) has published the finalized answer key of JE recruitment exam. Yesterday, candidates received a message at their registered mobile number to this effect. As per the message, the nigam has sent direct link to login and check final answer key at their registered email ids.
Although any official notice for the same has not been published at the official website uprvunl.org. Yet, a number of candidates have confirmed receiving this message from IG-UPRVUN.
As per our investigation, we have come across two different types of messages. One says that once again candidates can submit objections. And another says that candidates can just view the final answer key. Contents and screenshots of both, shared by candidates, are given below for your reference.
The message of one candidate reads,
“Dear candidate,
Candidates are advised to check the revised answer keys finalized for the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee) Civil for UPRVUNL exam conducted on 18 June 2019. Link for checking the revised answer keys has already been sent to registered email IDs of the candidates.
UPRVUNL Help Desk”
Another message says,
“Dear candidate,
Candidates are advised to check the revised answer keys finalized for the post Chemist Grade II for for UPRVUNL exam conducted on 18 June 2019. Also, the objection portal has been re-opened for 7 days from 31/08/2019 (11.59 pm) to 07/09/2019 (11.59 pm) to invite the objections again. Link to the objection portal and for checking the revised answer keys has already been sent to registered email IDs of the candidates.
UPRVUNL Help Desk”
UPRVUNL had conducted a computer based test for Junior Engineer, Chemistry, Assistant Account posts on June 18, this year. After that it had released response sheet, model answer key, and link to raise objections from June 23 to June 27. Two months after the event, now the final version of the answer key has been put up for display. Again, candidates have to login with user ID and password, just like last time, to check the final answers.
Moreover it is relevant to note candidates reporting being unable to view anything after login. There are mixed inputs from candidates. Few have tried to open the same login page, cdn.digialm.com//EForms/configuredHtml/1258/59929/login.html to login, and until one hour ago they said that they could not see anything. On the other hand, others have confirmed that they have got the message and the same place from where admit card download, response sheet download happened earlier, from there they can see final key.
UPRVUNL recruitment 2019 is for 47 vacancies of Junior Engineer, 27 vacancies of Chemist Grade II, 26 vacancies of Assistant Accountant, and 17 vacancies of Office Assistant III Accountant. Job seekers with Diploma in civil engineering are participating for first one. M.Sc in Chemistry postgraduates are competing for second. Bachelors degree in commerce degree holders are competing for the third and fourth posts.
Candidates who had appeared in the UPRVUNL recruitment tests in June can share in comments below, whether they have received any SMS or email or not. If yes, then they are requested to also type the content of message or email so that readers can understand the exact going ons in this matter.
Yes I received sms
Dear Candidate,
Candidates are advised to check the revised answer keys finalized for the post of Assistant Accountant for UPRVUNL exam conducted on 18 June 2019. Link for checking the revised answer keys has already been sent to registered e-mail ids of the candidates.