A link has been shared multiple times since last night claiming to be related to the UP Police Constable result 2019 for 49,568 vacancies. Some candidates said that they saw a new link on the results page of official website of Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board that is uppbpb.gov.in and when they opened it, it led to a login page. After logging in, candidates could see their application details. However upon investigation it was seen that this link was actually the candidate login link only, which has been active ever since candidates filled application form for UP Police Constable Recruitment 2019.
It is still not known how the rumors started, but around 6 am today morning several candidates started looking for UP Police Constable result 2019 because they had heard from friends that it was announced. Apparently someone shared the link on social media groups, then some youtube videos also came up about it.

However it is relevant to note that UP Police has been publishing all sipahi bharti (constable recruitment) related updates at the same login. The login link URL is “devhf-g01.digialm.com/EForms/loginAction.do?subAction=ViewLoginPage&orgId=1339&formId=58645”. Starting from application status to answer key, all events had to be checked through this login only. So there are high chances that result of the written exam could also come at this login only.
If there is any truth to the rumors of results, then it is probable that result could be released through the same login link. Maybe the police recruitment board was trying to test something yesterday and the link was posted by mistake. There are several possibilities, however the fact is that result has not yet been announced.
It is important to point out though that leading dailies of Uttar Pradesh have reported that the result will be out this month, that is in September only. In fact, the result is supposed to be out this week or the next.
When UP Police publishes result, if it is published via login, then candidates will have to login with user ID, and password that their date of birth to check result. Those who qualify the written exam by getting marks equal to or more than cut off, will be called for document verification and physical standards and eligibility test.
Male candidates who belong to general, OBC, SC category should be 168 cms tall, and ST candidates should be 160 cms tall in height. Their respective chest measurement should be 79 cms unexpanded and 84 cms expanded, and 77 cms unexpanded and 82 cms expanded. Height for female candidates is required to be 152 cms for general, OBC, SC, and 147 for ST. their weight should be at least 40 kgs.
Those who complete the document verification and standards test will undergo the physical efficiency test. In it, male candidates will have to run 4.8 km race in 25 minutes, and females will run 2.4 km in 14 minutes.
The recruitment notification was published in October last year and online applications were accepted until December. After that, written exam was held on January 27 and 28, 2019. Soon after the exam, UPPRPB released answer keys on February 2, 2019. Then based on candidate feedback, revised answer key was published on March 12, 2019. Candidates will be recruited as Constable Civil Police to 31,360 vacancies and as Constable in Reserved Territorial Armed Forces to 18,208 vacancies.