Uttar Pradesh CM, Yogi Adityanath conducted a cabinet meeting at the CM’s house on Saturday, for reviewing the progress and registrations of the welfare and insurance schemes for the unorganised workers of the state. The agenda of the meeting was to review the registration and progress of the schemes that the government has implemented at various levels.
Various notable ministers and bureaucrats like Labor and Employment Minister Swami Prasad Maurya, Additional Chief Secretary Labor and Employment Suresh Chandra, Additional Chief Secretary Finance S. Radha Chauhan, Additional Chief Secretary Chief Minister SP Goyal, Secretary Chief Minister Alok Kumar and other officers were present on this occasion.
The CM asked the ministers to make sure that more and more awareness is created to connect the maximum low-income group with these schemes. He also provided a number of directions regarding improving the implementation of the same in a better way.
The CM is spearheading various campaigns related to public awareness regarding these schemes. Along with this, Chief Minister lauded the efforts of Agriculture, Revenue, Urban Development, Rural Development, Panchayati raj joint efforts to make sure the benefits are within the reach of every registered unorganised labour through their inter-departmental coordination.
The Chief Minister accidental insurance scheme is one of the most popular offerings of the state government for unorganised labourers. The scheme aims at providing monetary compensation of up to INR 2 lakhs to the person insured. Along with this, it also offers free medical treatment up to INR 5 lakhs to the insured.