Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) announced result of preliminary written test for SCT PCs Civil at on October 14, 2018. The exam was conducted on September 30, 2018, at 966 centres in Telangana.
479158 Candidates had applied. Number of non-duplicate applications were 478567. A total of 449650 candidates appeared in exam on scheduled date. The exam conducting body had issued provisional answer key on October 05, 2018. Candidates were asked to submit objections until October 08, 2018. On basis of objections received, final answer key has been published with TSLPRB Result 2018.
To check answer key and result candidates have to visit There they will see one link to ‘Download PWT Result’ which leads to Here they have to enter mobile number and password to sign in and check result. Another link is for final answer key which directly opens PDF file for key.
TSLPRB has indicated in result whether candidate has qualified or not for next stage PET/PMT. Decision about qualification or non qualification is on basis of Para 18. Selection Procedure / Scheme – A) Preliminary Written Test of the Notification.
Average marks obtained by candidates is 68 out of 200 (34%). Highest marks is 151 (75.5%) and lowest marks are 12 (6%). 62 out of 200 is the modal marks which has been scored by 17916 candidates.
449650 Candidates were evaluated; 228865 candidates qualified (50.9%). 235977 candidates had appeared from backward communities out of which 96352 (40.83%) qualified.
Number of candidates that appeared from Scheduled Castes was 94240, 65160 (69.14%) qualified. 7712 candidates from Scheduled Tribes had appeared, 52927 (68.63%) qualified. 36973 candidates appeared from open category from which 10861 (29.38%) qualified.
Women candidates who appeared for Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Police Constable recruitment was 76608 from which 37817 (49.36%) qualified. 373042 candidates who appeared were men from which 191048 (51.21%) qualified. Number of ex-servicemen test takers were 5338, and 3565 qualified.
Qualified candidates have to fill part II of online application form and submit scanned copies of relevant certificates and documents. TSLPRB will announce its schedule in some time. TSLPRB will issue admit card / call letters for Physical Measurement Test and Physical Efficiency Test with details of Venue, Date and Time.
There will be PET/PMT only one time for candidates qualified in written exams of Notification Nos. 88, 89, 90 and 91. This marks the conclusion of preliminary written examinations of Telangana Police Recruitment 2018 in which 93.46% candidates appeared as compared to 92.21% in 2015-16. This shows that now candidates are more inclined towards employment in police and allied services in Telangana.
TSLPRB Constable Result 2018 shows that there is an increase of 12% success rate from 39% in 2015-16 to 51% in 2018. So although the number of test takers in PWT has come down from 493197 to 449650, the number of qualified candidates have increased.
Overall it can be seen in the TSLPRB Recruitment 2018 that more number of candidates are successful. 283614 (42%) candidates qualified among 680241 PWT test takers in 2015-16 whereas it is 347460 (54%) out of 644464 this time. Even though number of candidates have reduced by 35777, from 680241 to 644464, successful candidates are more in number by 63846, from 283614 to 347460.