NEET 2019 exam scheduled today on May 05 has been missed by hundreds of students held at Bengaluru. CM of Karnataka has tweeted that due to the 7-hour delay of Hampi Express many students applied for NEET not able to attend the entrance exam. However, NTA has changed the exam centres for the convenience of students. But due to lack of last minute change and lack of proper communication this creates a lot of chaos among the students.
CM of Karnataka has tweeted and requested the PM Narendra Modi, Rail Minister Piyush Goyal, HRD Minister Prakash Javedkar to provide another chance to those hundreds of students who have missed NEET 2019 entrance exam today.
Along with this some of the people also shared the views against this mishappening. According to them, the test centres should be in the radius of less than 100 km. So, students can reach their respective exam centres in one hour or less than it. Or there should be a special railway facility provided by our Railway government to the NEET aspirants. The students are also requesting the Indian government to reconduct the entrance exam.
The future of lacks of students going to appear for NEET 2019 at Bengaluru now at stake. A request has been pleaded by the entire state to provide another chance to those students. Now, we are hoping the best that our government will take the step in favor of the students.
Recently due to ‘Fani Cyclone’ NEET 2019 for Odhisa has been postponed by the government. Now, a wait is going for what will be the government’s step towards the students missed NEET in Bengaluru.
NEET 2019 is a national level entrance test conducted today at around 154 cities across the country. Today around 15 lakhs medical aspirants have appeared for the exam at the national level. NEET entrance exam was of three hours test from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
National Testing Agency (NTA) is the conducting body holds the responsibility from conducting the entrance exam to the declaration of the result. While interviewing the students this came to know that many students find the NTA pattern of the paper more easy than CBSE.
After the completion of the paper, students are now searching for their answer keys which will be out in a few hours.
We will soon get back to you with more latest updates!
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