State Bank of India has advertised vacancies for Specialist Officer cadre posts at the official website through recruitment advertisement number 21 – 26/2020-21. A total of 92 vacancies are available which will be filled up on regular or contract basis. The vacancies are for posts such as Risk Specialist, Deputy Manager, Data Protection Officer, Assistant General Manager and other such Specialist Officer cadre post. Eligible and intending candidates are invited to apply for the recruitment after fulfilling the minimum eligibility conditions as specified against respective advertisements. The online application process is currently ongoing and will end on October 08, 2020.
SBI has advertised the vacancies as per category in separate notifications identified as advertisement number 21/2020-21, 22/2020-21/, 23/2020-21, 24/2020-21, 25/2020-21, and 26/2020-21. Eligible and intending candidates can refer to the individual notifications for the complete details of vacancy distribution.
Overall, 22 vacancies are advertised through Advt No. 21/2020-21. The vacancies are for the posts of Risk Specialist-Sector, Portfolio Management Specialist, Risk Specialist-Credit, Risk Specialist-Enterprise and Risk Specialist-IND AS. 27 vacancies are advertised for the post of Deputy Manager (Data Scientist), Manager (Data Scientist), and Deputy Manager (System Officer) through Advt No. 22/2020-21. Similarly, 01 vacancy for the post of Data Protection Officer is advertised through Advt No. 23/2020-21.
05 vacancies are advertised for the post of Post Doctoral Research Fellow through Advt. No. 24/2020-21. Advt. No. 25/2020-21 indicates 04 vacancies for the posts of Data Trainer, Data Translator, Senior Consultant Analyst, and Assistant General Manager. In addition, 33 vacancies are also advertised through Advt. No. 26/2020-21 for the posts of Deputy Manager (Security) and Manager Retail (Products).
Interested candidates are advised to refer to the individual advertisements in order to check the specified minimum eligibility conditions required to apply for the recruitment. The minimum eligibility conditions are specified in terms of the age limitations and the necessary qualifications required to apply for individual posts.
Eligible applicants are to be selected through shortlisting and final interview. However, one must submit online applications on or before the last date through the official website. An application fee of Rs 750 must be paid while submitting the application form online. Specific instructions to apply online for each category of the post are indicated in the relevant advertisement. Candidates applying for posts advertised through 24/2020-21 have to forward the hard copies of the application form on or before October 15, 2020.
In general, one must register their candidature on the portal at first. Thereafter, the application form can be filled up online. It is necessary to upload scanned copies of specified documents to the online application form and generate a print out of the form after submission.