Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) has released the RUHS B.Sc Nursing result 2021 on the official website, ruhsraj.org. The candidates who have appeared in the exam can check the result on the official website with their roll number, enrolment number and enrolment year.
As of now, the website of RUHS has crashed and students are finding it very hard to get their results. Since the website has crashed and, the official page is showing nothing. However, the result will be displayed soon and authorities can either restore the suspended website or can provide an alternate link to check the RUHS B.Sc Nursing result 2021. The candidates must keep a tab on the official website for all the latest updates related to the result of B.Sc Nursing 2021.
Follow the steps mentioned below to check the RUHS B.SC Nursing result 2021 on the official website:
Step 1: Visit the official website of RUHS, ruhsraj.org
Step 2: On the homepage, find and click on the B.SC Nursing result link
Step 3: Thereafter, enter the roll number, enrolment number and enrolment year and click on the view result button
Step 4: After this, find the B.SC Nursing result 2021 on the next page and cross-check for all the details
Step 5: In the end, save a copy of the result of RUHS B.Sc Nursing 2021 on the device for future reference
RUHS B.SC Nursing result 2021 is available online, candidates can check out the following details on the B.SC Nursing result of RUHS:
- Candidate’s name
- Roll number
- Enrolment number
- Father name
- Attempt number
- Subject code
- Subject name
- Grades scored in each subject
- Aggregate marks scored
- Qualifying status
The candidates who qualify for the RUHS B.SC Nursing exam will be promoted to the next semester or will be awarded the final degree if they are studying in the final year. In case, they could not qualify for the exam, then they have to re-appear for the B.Sc Nursing exam. In either case, the candidate can also opt for answer sheet revaluation. The students who complete their B.SC course will stand a chance to get digital certificates from the State Health University.
The Rajasthan University of Health Science (RUHS) is a Jaipur based state-level university. The University is known to provide admission and academics in a total of four courses, medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy & paramedical. The candidates aspiring to take admission in B.Sc courses will get the opportunity to apply in around 43 Nursing Colleges, 41 Pharmacy colleges are affiliated.