Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB) has started RRB ALP 2018 Exam Fee Refund. The fee is begin refunded to candidates who appeared for First Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) for ALP/Technicians against CEN 01/2018. However, today, on December 12, 2018, RRB has published a notice in this regards, that states that there are errors in the bank details of the candidates due to which many refunds have failed.
As per the notice, the candidates whose refund has failed due to errors in their bank details will be given one final chance to rectify those errors. The link to rectify those errors will be available on the website of RRBs. The bank account details rectifying link will remain active from December 18 to 25, 2018.
In addition to that, candidates whose RRB ALP 2018 exam fee refund transaction has failed due to incorrect bank account details will be intimated regarding the same through an SMS on December 17, 2018.
Via the bank details rectifying link, the candidates will be able to rectify errors like wrong account number, wrong IFSC Code of the Bank Branch, filling up customer ID in place of account number etc.
The notice stresses that this is the final opportunity to correct any errors in the bank account details. Also, it underlines while filling the Bank Account information the Bank Account Number and IFSC Code entered must be correct.
RRB has also declared that once the bank details are submitted this time, no further editing will be allowed. Also, RRB shall not be responsible for the further failure of refund, if any, and no correspondence will be made anymore in this regard.
The RRB ALP 2018 first stage CBT exam was held on August 09, 10, 13, 14, 17, 21, 29, 30, and 31, 2018. The result for the first stage CBT exam was declared on November 02, 2018.
However, the candidates are also waiting for the revised result for RRB ALP 2018 stage 1 CBT exam that is expected to be declared by December 20, 2018. The result will be published in the form of a merit list in the form of a PDF file or under the candidate’s login.
Now, the candidates who have appeared in the first stage CBT exam will get their exam fee refunded to their bank accounts. The RRB ALP 2018 CBT 2 exam is scheduled to be held from January 21 to 23, 2018.
The candidates who have qualified the RRB ALP 2018 CBT 1 exam can expect their admit card for the stage 2 CBT exam in the month of December 2018 itself. The candidates who will qualify the Stage 2 CBT exam will have to appear in the aptitude test, however, this test will be only for the candidates who have applied for the ALP post.