Punjab Police has released an official notification regarding the recruitment for the posts of Intelligence Assistant for Intelligence Cadre of Punjab Police and Constable for Punjab Police Investigation Cadre on its official website punjabpolice.gov.in. The recruitment drive will be conducted for a total of 794 vacancies of Intelligence Assistant post and 362 vacancies of Constables post. The application form for the recruitment drive has been released on the official website of Punjab Police. Candidates can apply for this recruitment drive till August 16, 2021, up to 11:55 pm.
To apply for the recruitment drive, candidates have to visit the iur.ls/punjabpolicertecruitment2021 website. On this website, candidates have to first register themselves and then they have to fill the application form. Candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully otherwise any mistake will lead to rejection. Also, candidates must ensure that they submit the application form within the deadline by paying the application fee.
The application fee for this recruitment drive is Rs. 400 for candidates from all categories. The examination fee for general category candidates is Rs. 600 and Rs. 150 for SC, ST, and EWS category candidates. So, the total fee for general candidates is Rs. 1000 and for SC, ST, and EWS candidates, the total fee is Rs. 550.
To get eligible to apply for Intelligence Assistant and Constable posts, candidates should be of Indian nationality. The minimum age of candidates should be 21 years and the maximum age should be 28 years as of January 01, 2021. For the candidates of Punjab state belonging to SC and backwards classes, there is a 5 years relaxation in the maximum age of the candidates i.e. they have a maximum age limit of 33 years as of January 01, 2021.
To apply for the Intelligence Assistant post, candidates should have a graduate degree with an “O” level certificate in Information Technology course from the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology. However, candidates who have post-graduate diplomas in Computer application or graduated in branches like Computer Science, Computer Applications, Computer Science & Engineering, and Information technology can also apply for the Intelligence Assistant post. For the Constable posts, candidates should have a graduation degree from any reputed institute.
The selection for Intelligence Assistant and Constable posts will be made based on the two stages. The first stage will consist of a Computer Based Test (CBT) and the second stage will consist of Document Scrutiny, Physical measuring test (PMT), and Physical Screening Test (PST). The Computer Based Test will consist of 150 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of 150 marks and the time duration for completing the test will be 3 hours. There will be no negative marking system for this test. The final merit list will be made based on the candidates’ performance in CBT, PMT, and PST.