As per the orders of Hon’ble High Court, Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released the revised list of 1:3 candidates for Certificate Verification. The group 2 revised result has been declared on November 27, 2018, at The result of group 2 is declared on June 01, 2017. The revised result is declared for the examination which was held on November 11 and 13, 2016.
The candidates who are selected those have to appear for the certificate verification round which is scheduled to be held on December 05 and 06, 2018 at 10:30 a.m onwards. The verification of Certificates will be held in the office of TSPSC at Prathibha Bhavan, Nampally, Hyderabad.
Total 338 candidates are rejected just because of Bubbling Errors / Violations noticed in OMR sheet. According to the directions of Hon’ble High Court, the candidates who have done errors in bubbling like wrong bubbling, no bubbling, the double bubbling of the information relating to Roll number, Question booklet number, center code etc and used whitener or eraser those candidates have been rejected for appearing in the further process.
If any candidates desire to apply for the image of his/her OMR sheet they have to send the email at [email protected] till November 30, 2018. In the mail, candidates have to correctly mention his/her OTR number, Mobile Number & Hall Ticket Number. The image or link will be sent to the candidate’s email address within a week.
Many of the candidates have forgotten their hall ticket number and they are facing problem in finding out their hall ticket number so the candidates can follow the steps given below for knowing their admit card number.
Process to Know TSPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket Number
First visit the official website i.e.
Thereafter click at the “Website” tab.
TSPSC website page will open from there click at the “Direct Recruitment” link.
Thereafter, Direct Recruitment page will open from there click at the “Know Your Hall Ticket Number” link.
Thereafter,”Search Hall Ticket For Tspsc Notifications” page will open.
Enter all the asked details (select notification, tspsc id and date of birth) on that page.
Thereafter, click at the “Get” button.
After clicking the Get button candisdate’s hall ticket number will display at the screen.
The revised list is containing the hall ticket number of the 1:3 candidates for Certificate Verification, hall ticket number of the candidates who have to attend Certificate Verification, Hall Ticket Numbers of the candidates absent for previous Verification of Certificates and now figured in the revised 1:3 pickups to attend verification, List of candidates who are excluded for certificate verification.
On the day of the document, verification candidates have to carry their original certificates along with one set of photostat copy, appropriately attested by Gazetted Officer.