National Testing Agency (NTA) has just now uploaded a notice regarding display of question paper and challenges of answer key of UGC NET June 2019. The opening line of the notice says that 6,81,718 candidates had appeared in the computer based tests held in June. Since a previous notice by NTA said that 9.42 lakh candidates had applied, this brings the attendance to 72.37%.
Further, the notice states that NTA has uploaded candidate question paper and response sheet at on Friday. This facility will only be available until July 3, 2019. The deadline to download question paper and response sheet is 5 PM of last date.
Candidates who had appeared in the UGC NET June 2019 exam are advised to download their question paper and response sheet before deadline. They will need them to check answers against official UGC NET Answer Key 2019 and challenge them.
Regarding upload of answer key and challenging the same, NTA has only mentioned that the facility will be available soon. Precise date or time for the same are absent in the notice. As per a conversation at the helpline number earlier today, it was communicated that the answer keys are unlikely to come by Sunday.
To predict the date of issuance of answer key, last time’s schedule can be referred. Last time, NTA had released question paper and responses on December 26 and kept the facility open until December 28. After that, answer key was released on December 29. Therefore it can be expected for NTA to release UGC NET answer key June 2019 by July 4, 2019.
UGC (University Grants Commission) NET (National Eligibility Test) is conducted as computer based tests. There is a different question paper in each shift. Furthermore, different candidates in same shift also get questions in different order. Thus candidates should download their own question paper and response sheet in the given window because later when they compare it with answer key, they have to refer to the respective question ID, and response ID.
Once answer key releases, there will again be a window of few days time to login and get it. Answer key can be challenged online in the same duration. A fee of Rs 1000 per challenge is associated with UGC NET answer key challenge.
Result will be announced by July 15, 2019. There will be separate merit lists for eligibility of Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor, and eligibility for Assistant Professor. Candidates must get at least 40%, or 35% in case of reserved category, in order to be considered for merit list.