Pareeksha Bhavan has confirmed on the official website that KTET Hall Ticket 2019 for June examination will release today, on June 17, 2019. The Board will release admit card at 4:00 pm, on Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (KTET) – I, II, III, and IV is due to be held on June 22 and 29, 2019, and the candidates will have to carry the admit card on the exam day.
The admit card of KTET 2019 is only released online and Pareeksha Bhavan does not send it through post or any other medium. To download KTET Hall Ticket 2019, visit the official website and click on the link for “KTET 2019 Admit Card”. On clicking the link, a new window will open. To access the login, candidates will have to enter application number, application id, and category. Following this, candidates will be able to download the hall ticket from the dashboard.
Once the admit card has been downloaded, the candidates can check all the details in it. If any discrepancies in the details, then candidates need to inform Pareeksha Bhavan regarding the same. The KTET hall ticket holds details such as, the name of the candidate, examination center, examination category is chosen, a photograph of the candidate, date of examination, roll number and instructions. Instructions mentioned on the admit card are important and candidates must abide by it.
KTET 2019 is an offline examination, in which candidates will have to solve 150 questions of multiple choice type. To attempt the exam, candidates get 2 hours and 30 minutes and the minimum pass percentage is 60%.
The exam for Category 1 and 2 will be held on June 22, 2019, whereas, the exam for Category 3 and 4 is due to be held on June 29, 2019. The shift 1 paper will begin at 10:00 and will end at 12:30 pm. On the other hand, the timing for shift 2 paper is 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. The shift of each candidate will be mentioned on the admit card of KTET.
The examination assesses the quality of teacher candidates for Lower Primary, Upper Primary and High School Classes in Kerala. The candidate should possess the aptitude and ability to teach at all levels of school efficiently. Candidates who qualify KTET 2019, get the certificate of eligibility.