Karnataka State Police (KSP) has extended the last date for the submission online application form. Interested candidates can submit their application form for SI, RSI, SRSI & PSI vacancies. The link to submit the online application form is available on the official website, ksp.gov.in. The last date for the submission of application forms July 27, 2020. Candidates can submit their application fee before July 29, 2020.
The application form dates has been updated for the third time in a row. Earlier, candidates were asked to submit their forms online before July 26, 2020. However, the dates for Advt No. 92- 2 and Advt No. 93 & 95-02 were extended to July 16, 2020 and July 18, 2020 respectively. Now, the dates of the application form submission are again extended to July 27, 2020. Along with the application form dates, KSP has also extended the dates for the application fee submission. Prior to July 29, 2020, candidates had to submit the fee before June 30, 2020. With the extension of application form submission, the dates to submit the online fee was also extended.
Those who wish to apply for the announced posts must visit the official website, ksp.gov.in. Aspirants can locate the online application link under the current recruitment > Police Recruitment for the year 2020 > click on the registration link against the recruitment. Before the KSP application process, candidates have to register themselves through the website. GM & OBC (2A,2B,3A,3B) candidates have to pay Rs. 250/- and SC, ST, CAT-01have to pay Rs.100/- as the application fee. The KSP fee can be paid through online process only.
The posts that are announced under the KSP recruitment are of Sub-Inspector (Wireless) (Men & Women), Special Reserve Sub-Inspector (KSRP) (Men & Women), Karnataka State Industrial Security Force SI (KSTSF) (Men & Women), Armed Reserve Sub-Inspector (CAR/DAR)(MEN)The posts that are announced under the KSP recruitment are of Sub-Inspector (Wireless) (Men & Women), Special Reserve Sub-Inspector (KSRP) (Men & Women), Karnataka State Industrial Security Force SI (KSTSF) (Men & Women). To apply for these posts, candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in relevant disciplines.
The age limit for direct recruitment and for in-service candidates is different. Those who have applied under direct recruitment, the lower age limit of 21 years and the upper age limit is 26 years. For the in-service candidates, the lower age limit is 21 years and the upper age limit is 35 years. However, the upper age limit is relaxable for SC, ST, CAT-01, 2A,2B,3A & 3B candidates. For the direct recruitment, the upper age limit is reliable up to 28 years and for in-service candidates the upper age limit is relaxed up to 40 years.