Debunking all the rumors that have been spread on Telegram groups, DBMCI has clarified that INI CET 2021 will not be held on June 16. There were some rumors over the popular social media channel Telegram, that INI CET 2021 is happening on June 16 or so. DBMCI thus clarified that it is a rumor. Additionally, they have also emphasised the fact that there is no new date for INI CET till now.
In the video, Dr. Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute (DBMCI) has also predicted that INI CET 2021 might not be held before the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Postgraduate) exam. Currently, NEET PG 2021 has been postponed till August 31, 2021, and the new exam date will be announced at least 1 month before the exam.
INI CET was postponed by the All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi via an official notice dated April 23, 2021. Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test (INICET) 2021 was scheduled to be held on May 8, 2021, for July session admissions. However, the notice intimated that the exam stands postponed until further notice.
The notice is given below and it reads: “In view of evolving situation related to COVID-19 outbreak, the competent authority of
AIIMS has decided to postpone the conduct of following (INI CET 2021) entrance examination schedule in May 2021. The revised dates for conduct of the said examination will notified in due course of time through the website”

The students must note that there has been no official update on INI CET 2021 exam dates since this notice. Any news of exams dates apart from the officially intimated ones, are not be considered final ones,
Basic registrations and the final registrations for INI CET 2021 July session were completed by the time the exam was postponed. AIIMS was supposed to release the admit card on April 30, 2021. However, now that the exam is postponed, the issuance of admit card is also delayed and will depend on the revised schedule.
Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test (INICET) is the national level medical entrance exam conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi. It is the gateway for admission to MD, MS, DM (6 yrs), MCh (6 yrs), and MDS courses offered by AIIMS, JIPMER, PGIMER, and NIMHANS.
Admission to all the institutes of national importance is through INI CET. The seat allocation in these institutes shall be conducted for at least two (2) Rounds followed by Open Round. Additional Rounds of seat allocation may be done before the Open Round if needed. The seat allocation shall be done in order of merit, choices made by the candidate, and as per the reservation policies of individual INIs.