Indira Gandhi National Open University conducted the B.Ed entrance exam for admission to January 2021 session today on April 11, 2021. The entrance examination was conducted as a 2 hours Computer Based Test in centres across India. Memory-based answer key of the question paper in today’s exam are already making rounds of the internet in platforms such as YouTube. IGNOU is expected to release the official answer key of today’s IGNOU B.Ed 2021 admission entrance exam very soon on the official website. Thereafter, the result of the entrance test will also be released through the official website i.e.
Earlier, IGNOU released admit card for the B.Ed 2021 entrance exam for candidates who registered for admission to the January 2021 session. Now that the exam is over, those who appeared in the test today can check unofficial answer keys. Unofficial solutions are prepared and released by coaching institutes, academic mentors tracking the exam. Candidates can get an idea of how many answers they attempted correctly from the unofficial answer keys.
In addition to the B.Ed 2021 entrance test, Indira Gandhi National Open University also conducted entrance tests for admission to January 2021 session in programs like Post Basic Nursing today. The IGNOU OPENMAT 2021 exam was also conducted simultaneously today.
Once the official answer key of today’s B.Ed entrance exam are released on the official website, candidates will be able to download them from It is expected that the University will also allow candidates to raise objections against the official answer key. Candidates are advised to keep a close tab on the official website to know when the official answer key is released. Detailed instructions for raising objections against the IGNOU B.Ed 2021 answer key is also expected to be released by the University, along with the release of the answer key. In such a case, the provisional answer key will release first. Once the objection window closes, the University will evaluate the valid objections and any revisions deemed necessary will be done to prepare the final answer key.
The result of the IGNOU B.Ed 2021 entrance test also releases online at the official website as per schedule. Although the University has not announced any official date of release of the result of the entrance test, it is expected that the result will release only after the final answer key has been released, or along with it.
IGNOU B.Ed 2021 result of the entrance test releases in the form of scorecard of individual candidates. Essentially, the scorecard releases through candidate login at the official website only. Candidates must know their Registration Number and Password to download the scorecard. The University also releases the merit list of candidates who qualify the test and become eligible to get admission to B.Ed program in the January 2021 session this year. Candidates will be allocated seats as per merit in the exam based on their IGNOU B.Ed 2021 score.