NTA will issue the admit card of IGNOU B.Ed and OPENMAT XLVI on July 12, 2019. Initially, the admit cards were to be released on July 10, 2019. However, the reason for the delay is the extension of the registration dates from July 01 to July 5, 2019.
Both the IGNOU Entrance Exam is being held in the online mode and via the admit card the candidates are notified about their exam center address, date and time.
To download the IGNOU B.Ed admit card and OPENMAT XLVI Admit Card the candidates have to follow the link available on the official website of NTA IGNOU which is ntaignou.nic.in. On clicking the link the candidates can login using their application number and date of birth/password. The admit card download link is then made available on the dashboard of the candidates. The candidates have to access the link and generate the printable copy of the IGNOU B.Ed and OPENMAT XLVI Admit Card.
Via the admit card the candidates can check their allotted exam center. The candidates must reports at the exam center at least 1 hour before the exam starts.
After the admit card is generated if the candidate experiences any error on it, they have to contact the authorities at 0120-6895200 or email them regarding the error at [email protected]. However, the candidates have to appear with the already issued admit card. In case of errors, necessary action is taken at the time of admission.
IGNOU B.Ed 2020 Entrance Exam is being held at the national level across 106 cities. The candidates have to attempt 100 MCQ type questions in 2 hours. The language of the exam will be in Hindi and English both. For each correct answer, the candidates will get 1 marks. There is no negative marking.
For the OPENMAT XLVI 2019 exam, there are four sections with a different number of questions. Each question will carry one mark with no negative marking. Therefore, the paper will consist of 200 marks with 200 questions in total.
The candidates who qualify the exam can check their IGNOU B.ED 2020 Result and the OPNENMAT XLVI Result in the online mode under their respective logins. The qualifying candidates are then required to fill in the admission form and appear at the offline counselling at the Nodal RCs.
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