Delhi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV), Indore has announced the result for the academic year 2018. All the students who have appeared for the B.A, B.SC,, M.A first, third and fifth semester can now check their result online. DAVV result is declared officially on April 19, 2018. Students can check their result from Then one can check the status of his/ her result online.
To search your DAVV result online visit the website- Click on the required result link available on its homepage. Now, in the login window select the session, status- private/ regular/ ex, and select your exam name. Then enter your roll number. Then place your mouse pointer on ‘Click here’ option. As you click the result of your current semester will appear on your screen.
The direct link to access your DAVV result is given here: Click here to check your DAVV result 2018. Here, a student can also check the list of the number of the passed students of the desired course.
Delhi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV) has conducted the examination of B.A, B.SC. B.Com and M.A in the month of November/ December. And finally, the wait gets over of the students who are eagerly waiting for their semester result.
On April 17, 2018, the university has released the result of BBA course uploaded on its official website. While on April 16, 2018 result of BAMS has released. Similarly, the university declared the result of other courses in the past few days. Students can check their respective result by visiting the official website or by visiting the direct link as given above.
DAVV university offers the various courses in UG/ PG such as- BA, BSc, BEd, BCA, BBA, BPEd, BCom, MCom, MBA, MCA, MEd, MSc, ME, MBBS, BUMS, BAMS & BDS.
Delhi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore was formerly known as the University of Indore. The university has established in 1964 under the act of the legislature of Madhya Pradesh. The university has developed with the aim of “Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat”. It is a state university whose jurisdiction was initially restricted to only Indore city. Later on, its jurisdiction was extended to seven tribal dominated districts of Indore division namely, Jhabua, Alirajpur, Dhar, Khargone, Khandwa, Burhanpur, and Barwani.
Nalanda and Takshila are the two functioning campuses of the DAVV University, Indore. The University has 270 affiliated colleges. Apart from this 33 University teaching departments and centres. University has also proposed a Medical College and a Hospital and it will be located on a new campus at the Airport Road, Indore.
bsc 5 sem revaluation ka result kb thk aayega
Si private b a 6sem ka result kab ayega
when will be the bba 1 sem result will be declare
374/600 – Divyani Mahajan
when bba 1 sem result will be declare
When will B.Com 1st year result come (computer and application) ka result kb tk aye ga
B com 3 rd sem ka revalution ka result kb tk aayega sir ji