Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) has announced CSIR NET Result 2018 for exam held on June 17, 2018. The result has been announced online, at, on November 28, 2018. The result is available as a pdf, in which the rank and roll number of the qualified candidates are mentioned. For JRF (NET) CSIR, total of 1991 candidates have qualified and for JRF (NET) UGC 1500 candidates have been selected. The number of qualified candidates for Lectureship (NET) is 3756.
To check the result, the candidates will have to visit the official website. Then, click on the link for “JOINT CSIR-UGC NET Exam June 2018 Result”. It will directly open a pdf files, in which the candidates need to seek their roll number. In front of the roll number, rank of the candidates is mentioned. The Fellowship of the selected candidates will be effective from January 01, 2019.
How to Check CSIR NET Score 2018?
This is the merit list, the score of the candidates is announced separately. The score of CSIR NET will be available in due course of time. It will also be declared on the official website but through a login. The candidates will be able to access the login by entering roll number and date of birth. The score of the candidates in each section and overall be displayed on the screen. Candidates should note that the CSIR NET result and score will not be sent at the candidate’s residential address.
What After CSIR NET 2018 Result?
Congratulations to all the qualifying candidates. The qualified candidates can now apply for Lecturer posts or can join as a Junior Research Fellow. The lecturer will get jobs in any research institute, whereas, fellowship will be offered in any CSIR laboratories.
One prominent condition to get fellowship is that the candidates should have registered within 2 years of the result announcement. The JRF candidate will get a stipend of Rs. 25000 per month. for first 2 years. After the end of first 2 years, the amount will increase to Rs. 28000 per month. The candidate’s whose two years will end can also join for Ph.D program.
CSIR NET December 2018 on December 16
CSIR will be conducting National Eligibility Test (NET) December 2018 on December 16, 2018. Candidates who have applied for the examination will get the admit card 5-10 days before the exam. The candidates can expected the release of the admit card in the 1st week of December 2018. The admit card will be release online and to download it, form number and date of birth will be needed.
CSIR NET is a national level examination, which is held in pen and paper based mode. The exam will be of 200 marks and candidates will get 3 hours to attempt the examination. The CSIR NET December examination will be held in two sessions, which will be from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. In the morning session, examination for Life Sciences and Physical Sciences will be held and in the afternoon session, the exam for Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences will be conducted.