Council of Scientific and Industrial Research announced the result of Joint CSIR UGC NET June exam a short while ago today. CSIR has uploaded result as a pdf file, containing roll numbers and ranks of candidates, at This time the results have been announced impressively early. Going by past year timelines, the result was anticipated in September or October.
Total 7,550 candidates have qualified as per the CSIR NET June 2019 Result. The number of candidates qualified for JRF (NET) CSIR is 2,150. Those who qualified for JRF only as per clause 5 of notification are 72 in number. JRF (NET) UGC qualified candidates numbers stand at 1,638. Lectureship (NET) qualified candidates are 3,690. The fellowship will be effective from January 1, 2020, for all the Junior Research Fellowship qualified candidates.
CSIR HRDG is likely to activate a login link to check individual score soon. When it is available, candidates will be able to login with roll number and date of birth to check marks obtained in part A, B, and C. Scorecard will also show total mars, percentage, and qualification status.
Whereas those who have qualified for JRF (NET) CSIR, or JRF (NET) UGC will be eligible for the fellowship stipend, and also for lectureship-NET subject to fulfilling criteria for lectureship laid down by UGC. The candidates qualified for JRF only as per clause 5 of the bulletin cannot apply for lectureship.
By the same token Lectureship (NET) qualified candidates are eligible for recruitment as lecturer. They are also eligible for JRF-ship in a scheme or project, if otherwise suitable as per the eligibility criteria of that scheme or project. However they will not be eligible for JRF-Fellowship.
Earlier this year it was reported that the government has hiked the fellowship amount of junior research fellows. As per the revised scheme, the new scholarship amount stands at Rs 31,000 which is 20% higher than earlier. Also the senior research fellows will be eligible for Rs 35,000 per month.
Joint CSIR UGC NET is held twice a year. This time the applications were invited for June exam from February 25 to March 22. Then admit card was released on June 5. The exam was held on June 16. It was held from 9 am to 12 noon for life sciences, physical sciences. Then the exam was conducted from 2 pm to 5 om for chemical sciences, mathematical sciences, and earth sciences. After that CSIR had released answer keys on July 4 and allowed objections to it until July 10.
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Human Resource Development Group (HRDG), is the premier research and development organization in India. The fellowship schemes work to motivate young, bright minds of the nation to undertake research work in the country.
Editor’s note: If you had appeared in Joint CSIR UGC NET 2019 in June, then you can check the CSIR NET June 2019 result now. To check the result, visit the official website and click “Joint CSIR-UGC NET Exam Result June, 2019”.