The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the official answer key of the Class 12 examination on its official website today March 03, 2022. Candidates have the option to raise objections till 5 pm on March 06, 2022. The examination was conducted offline mode from February 01 to 14, 2022. Candidates who appeared in the examination can access the answer keys from the official website of BSEB
How to check Class 12 Answer Key
The answer key is available to download on the official website of BSEB. To download, follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of BSEB
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the flash link that reads Register Objection Regarding Answer Key Inter Exam 2022.
Step 3: In the space provided on the next window, enter the roll code and roll number.
Step 4: Choose the subject on the next page and the answer key of the respective subject will appear on the screen.
Raising Objections on Answer Key
After carefully studying the answer key, students can raise objections if they find any mistakes.
Step 5: Select the set number, question number, issue, and correct answer from the options provided on the page. Give any valid justification for the objection raised and submit.
Direct link to Bihar Board CLass 12 Answer Key – Click Here
The answer key is released only for the objective questions asked in the examination. This constitutes about 50% of the total marks. Objections submitted after 5 pm on March 06, 2022 will not be considered. Subject experts will analyze the objections raised by students and release the final answer key along with the result later. Students can use the answer key to calculate tentative scores before the result is announced.
The results of the Class 12 examinations of BSEB are expected to be out by the fourth week of March. To pass the examinations students should score 30% in theory paper and 40% in practical papers(if applicable).