Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited has released APTRANSCO AEE Answer Key 2019. Preliminary answer key of all four sets namely A, B, C, D have been published in a single PDF file at Candidates can check it and submit objections by email by 5 PM of May 23, 2019.
APTRANSCO Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) recruitment exam was held on May 19, 2019, from 10 AM to 12 noon. Exam centres were in Vijayawada and Guntur. Correct answers of all 100 questions asked in it have been indicated in answer key. If anyone finds any discrepancies in it, then they have to email to the convenor at [email protected].
The paper consisted of 70% questions on core academic curriculum of discipline. Remaining 30% was on analytical aptitude. Candidates must obtain qualifying marks in order to be considered for shortlisting.
Qualifying marks are 40% for OC, 35% for BC, 30% for SC/ST, 30% for PH. As per result of APPSC AEE 2019, candidates will be called for document verification in 1:1 ratio. Ranking for the purpose of selection shall only be on basis of written exam scores.
Question paper of APTRANSCO AEE recruitment 2019 consisted of all multiple choice questions. Each had four options and only one among them was correct. Now that answer key is available, candidates can predict their scores with it.
Using answer key is convenient for candidates since they were allowed to take duplicate copy of their OMR sheet along with question paper to home after exam. Easy access to question paper, OMR sheet copy, and now answer key makes this recruitment process candidate friendly, transparent, and fair.
Candidates had to mark answers in OMR sheet using black ball point pen only. Corrections of any kind cannot be done, such as by using white fluid. After exam, answers are graded by machine, leaving no room for errors.
Selected candidates will join in 60155-2485-65125-2900-79625-3335-92965 scale of pay. They will be on a training-cum-probation period of 2 years. Also they will have to work for at least 3 years in APTRANSCO substations.
There are overall 171 vacancies of Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical). This is divided into 54 for Vishakhapatnam, 38 for Vijaywada, and 79 for Kadapa. Further, it should be noted that 69 vacancies are for open (local and non local) candidates, whereas 102 are for local candidates only.
APTRANSCO had invited applications for AEE recruitment from March 26 to April 25, 2019. Then hall ticket was released on May 14, 2019. Now, result is expected to be announced in upcoming days. Exact date for result is not available, however it is anticipated to be available quite soon.
Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (APTRANSCO) was established in 1999. It was in that year that as per AP Electricity Reforms Act 1998, APSEB was split into Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) and Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited (APTRANSCO). Headquarter of APTRANSCO is in Vijayawada. Getting a job in APTRANSCO is much sought after by state govt job aspirants who compete for Andhra Pradesh Recruitment.