Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has published fresh selection list for Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT) for Secondary Grade Teacher (SGT) Telugu Medium. Total 3325 candidates are provisionally selected as per this new result. The commission says that it sough relinquishment from candidates who were selected in selection notification Dt 04.04.2019, 29.04.2019, 03.05.2019, 16.05.2019, 27.05.2019, 24.06.2019 & 29.06.2019. In place of them, new results are now published.
These candidates are now provisionally selected for appointment to the post of Secondary Grade Teacher- Telugu Medium on the basis of OMR examinations held last year on February 25. To check TSPSC TRT results, candidates need to go to and click the link with text “TRT-Secondary Grade Teacher -Telugu Medium-Notfn No.53/2017-Provisional list of Selected candidates – After Relinquishments – Reg” that is appearing the latest news section.
The result contains hall ticket number, selected district, area. A total of 59 vacancies have been kept vacant or withheld. Whereas 74 have been left unfilled due to unavailability of eligible candidates.
There are two lists in the result. One is the provisional list of selected candidates after relinquishments as per Hon’ble High Court orders in WA.No. 419 of 2019 and W.P.Nos. 8679, 14343, 15052 & 15698 of 2019, dated: 30/08/2019. There are 2,822 candidates in this list.
Other list has 503 hall ticket numbers. It is that list, selection of which is dependent on clearance from district collectors in terms of G.O.Ms.No. 24 (LTR) dated: 12/06/2018 on claim of agency (Local Status) i.e., District / Local body / Government likely to be modified.
Even now, a disclaimer in the result says, “The entire selection list may undergo revision after a) receipt of final orders in various WPs. b) clearance from District Level Committees regarding agency claim c) applying interchangeability among PH categories as there are chances for conversion of PH vacancies into OC vacancies if no eligible PH candidates are available even after applying interchangeability”.
TS TRT SGT Telugu selection list has been published before time. It was only yesterday reports first surfaced that selection list will be released by October 14, and TPSC group 2 results will be published by the end of the month.
The commission had been working extensively to deliver the result sooner. For this reason, even despite Dasara holidays, process for result declaration was on.
This recruitment of secondary grade teachers is for 3,786 vacancies. While 3,325 vacancies are now filled as per this selection list, 270 vacancies of physically handicapped will be published on receiving interchangeability in the categories. 117 vacancies have been put on hold due to court cases, and 74 could not be filled as eligible candidates were not available.
Prior to this TSPSC result 2019 was announced for Group 4 vacancies in the month of August. Exam for the group 4 recruitment was held a year ago. Candidates who have been selected on the basis of the exam will now have to appear in document verification.