The Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has released the results for the group II police constables, group II jail warders, and firemen. The result, in the form of the list of selected candidates, is now available on the official website – Candidates can now check the result as per their enrolment number and roster. They will now have to go through the character and antecedents verification along with the medical examination that will be conducted by the concerned appointing authorities.
How to check TNUSRB Result 2021?
Candidates can easily check the results by simply downloading the soft copies of the lists from the official website. Take a look at the steps that one can follow.
Step 1- Go to the official website of TNUSRB –
Step 2- There will be two provisional selection lists
Step 3- Click on the first link to download the results roll number wise or the second link to download the roster-wise result list
Step 4- Crosscheck the names and enrollment numbers from the list of selected candidates.
Direct Link to Check TNUSRB Result 2021 Enrolment Number Wise – Click Here
Direct Link to Check TNUSRB Result 2021 Roster Wise – Click Here
The written examination for TNUSRB was held on December 13, 2020, after which the answer keys were released on December 16, 2020. The results were announced on February 19, 2021, and the shortlisted candidates had to appear for the PET round on July 26, 2021. Cut-off marks for TNUSRB are not released separately. However, as per sources, the cut-off marks are as per the table given below.
GT | 74.5 (TSP) |
MBC & DNC | 74.5 |
BC | 74.5 |
SC | 80 |
BC | 80.5 |
BCM | 72 |
MBC & DNC | 80.5 |
GT | 58 |
BC | 58 |
SC | 58 |
MBC & DNC | 57.5 |
SCA | 55 |
BCM | 35 |
Female (TW)
SC | 72.5 |
MBC & DNC | 59 |
GT | 74 |
BC | 73.5 |
SCA | 72 |
MBC & DNC | 50 |
GT | 50 |
BC | 50 |
BCM | 61 |
SC | 79 |
GT | 79 |
BC | 79 |
MBC & DNC | 79 |
SCA (PSTM) | 76.5 |
Fireman (Sports)
GT | 60 |
BC | 60 |
MBC & DNC | 60 |
Jail Warders (Male)
BC | 80 |
MBC & DNC | 80 |
SCA (PSTM) | 76 |
GT | 80 |
BC | 67.5 |
Jail Warders (Male – Sports)
BC | 63 |
GT | 63 |
MBC & DNC | 62.5 |
SC | 62.5 |
Candidates must note that these cut-offs are based on unofficial sources since the cut-offs are not released officially. It is advised to go through the list of selected candidates to have an idea of the marks scored.