The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Technical Education (TNDTE) conducts government technical education (GTE) examinations on typewriting, shorthand, and accountancy twice a year – February and August. For the TNDTE exams held in August, typewriting, shorthand, accountancy results are expected today.
Although TNDTE has itself not published any notification about today’s result date, a few reports have emerged over media and social media that suggest that the department is likely to announce results today. Candidates have been waiting for the same for a long time.
As per the TNDTE GTE exam program 2019-2020, the result was supposed to be announced on October 11, 2019. However it has been nineteen days since the date has passed, and result is still on the way.
Yesterday, a few candidates shared on social media that they have come across a newspaper cutting, which says that October 30, 2019 is the date for typewriting and shorthand results. Although there is one more set of reports that suggest that result will be out on November 30, 2019, and not October 30, 2019. There are still concerns over the authenticity of both sets of reports. However the fact is that going by usual schedule of TNDTE, results are actually expected very soon, so today’s date is highly likely to be true.
Since yesterday, candidates have been checking,, and another url As is the official website of the department, this is only where the result will be announced. However is the site where link to apply for xerox copy of answer is usually made available. The website is also accessible through the url, or at least that was the case last time.
For the February exams, result was announced on April 26. Candidates could check their results at Then they could apply online for answer paper xerox copy through ( until May 2. Then the last date to send to the DOTE, a printed online application form with DD of Rs 150 and self-address cover was May 20. Revaluation schedule was later published at
Once the results are out, candidates will be able to check the same register number wise. The page to check result will contain an online form, where, you have to enter your register number and entering it will show your name, and result.
As per the TNDTE GTE 2019-2020 calendar, the notification to invite applications for government technical examinations Feb 2020 was supposed to be available from October 27, 2019. Then application for GTE exams was to be available at from October 28, 2019. The last date to remit fee without fine is to be December 6, 2019. With fine, the deadline ought to be December 10, 2019. Recognized institutes can submit the filled up forms by December 12, 2019. The shorthand high speed test will be on February 8 and 9, 2020. Shorthand junior and senior tests are supposed to be on February 15 and 16, 2020. Then accountancy exam on February 17, 2020. Typerwriting junior and senior and high speed on February 22 and 23, 2020. However final dates shall be as decided by TNDTE.