Anna University, Chennai has announced the date and time of releasing the TANCET 2022 result today, June 08, 2022. The university has preponed the result relating date for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET). As per the flash news available on the website, the result shall be released on June 09, 2022, at sharp 10 am. The candidates waiting for the result release can keep a tab on the official website, for checking the same. Candidates who successfully clear the exam shall become eligible to participate in the counselling round conducted by the university. The TANCET exam was conducted on May 15, 2022, across test centres located in the state.
TANCET 2022 Result
TANCET 2022 result is going to be available tomorrow, June 09, 2022, at 10 am in the morning. There is no other way of checking the result other than the online mode. The university shall be only releasing the result tomorrow as the score card shall be available 10 days after its release. With this, we can assume that the TANCET 2022 scorecard shall be published anytime after June 19, 2022. Another thing to be noted here is that for checking the TANCET result, the candidates need to keep the user id and password handy.
TANCET 2022 Score Normalisation Process
The university uses a normalisation formula to compile the marks of the students who attended exams in different shifts. As per rules, normalisation applies when the exam is held in multiple shifts to deduce the probable score. The university has notified the normalisation formula for TANCET 2022 exam as it helps in deducing the cut-off marks for the different courses. As per the normalisation formula, the university shall be using the mean score along with the standard deviation to generate raw scores of a particular shift. Check out the TANCET 2022 normalisation formula here:
Normalisation formula : (X+r)m
What’s Next After TANCET Result 2022?
After the release of the TANCET result 2022, the candidates shall be eligible to get a call for counselling for the MBA, MCA, M.E, M.Tech, M.Plan, and M.Arch courses. The counselling round is a qualifying round and candidates who clear this shall be eligible for getting an admission. The final admission shall be subjected to the marks scored and rank secured by candidates in TANCET 2022.